Thread: Wand Weighing
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Old 01-08-2021, 02:31 AM
sweetpinkpixie sweetpinkpixie is offline
Default Wand Weighing

Large and made of brass, the wand-weigher machine has a scale in front where you can place your wand. There is a small plaque on the front which states it was made in Paris in 1860, which begs the question, why does it print out little cards in English? Well that would be because the machine was modified with brand new charms when it was acquired by Ollivanders about a decade ago. There's a coin slot on the front. One sickle will get you an assessment of your wand's condition. A flick of a hidden switch will return it to its regular function, in which case the card which it spits out will state the wand components, and the age of the wand, instead of recommending products for it.

Originally housed at the French Ministry of Magic in Paris, this Wand-Weigher Machine began to act up and had been sitting in storage until previous shop owner Ira Banner acquired it, fixed it up, and gave it new purpose. It no longer simply tells what a wand is made from (since the wandmakers themselves are perfectly able to do this without magical help), instead it assess the condition of a wand and suggests what product might benefit it. Of course, you can always get a second opinion from one of the wandmakers...

There are also several comfortable looking chairs in this area for those poor beleaguered parents who are waiting for their excited children to get new wands, useful if the other slightly more comfortable seats near the display shelves are already occupied. Or perhaps you're wanting to flip through some of the wand books and magazines before making a purchase? Regardless, you can sit here for a time if you're a customer, or customer adjacent.
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