Welcome to Ollivanders  Welcome to Ollivanders! Every young witch and wizard's most important step into the magical world is getting their first wand. Their life long (and other times, not so long) tool in helping them become the wonderful and brilliant witch or wizard they are! Since 382 B.C. Ollivanders has helped all kinds of people be matched with the perfect wand, and it is very rare for someone to be sent away empty handed. Although passed down to one shopkeeper after another and no longer owned by the Ollivander family, the shop itself and quality of wands is still much the same as it was when it first opened, perhaps even better! ooc: please note, if you missed getting your results at any point, or need a reminder of one of your character's on-site wands, you can PM Felixir to receive them - we have all results recorded since 2067 in the school RP! Display Shelves Entering the shop, you'll notice a cozy little area to the left, filled with a couple of sturdy and actually pleasant looking chairs in front of the rather large window with a rug underfoot. Not to mention an array of flowers in vases of varying colors and shapes. From here you can watch the chaos of children being matched with their first wands. Tea and coffee is available for parents while they wait for their children to be matched with their wands.
There is a display of wands here in a glass case, some of them once owned by famous witches and wizards and labelled as such. Recognize any names? That's fine, but don't touch. They are part of a personal collection, on loan to Ollivanders, and are not for sale. There is also a display of holsters, polishes, and other bits and pieces. Nearby is a shelf of books on wand-related topics, also on loan to Ollivanders. You are permitted to read them if you like, but they are not for sale. If you attempt to take them out of the store they will snap at your fingers, so be warned.
Of course if you are here for repairs or inquiries, you'll be able to bypass the line that tends to form over the summer months, and come to the counter. Here you can see about your damaged wand being fixed, or find out about customizing your wand if you are the sort who likes things a little fancier. Engraving prices are listed on the inventory board. Wand Fitting Just as you enter the shop, in between all the chaos that may or may not have been going on, is a rather open area with a measuring tape that seems to be hovering in mid air. It wiggles and flies around, ready to measure the next customer to walk into it's range. The measuring tape will eagerly measure your height, the reach of your arm, and maybe even other strange measurements to help the wandmakers find the best wand for you.
In front of the counter there is the empty space that is designated as the fitting area. Here is where wands are fitted. After being measured by the magical measuring tape, you will be assisted by a worker who will then endeavor to fit you with your perfect wand and start pulling boxes from the shelves.
The shelves with wands on them stretch back impossibly far and up so high that even the tallest people have to tip their head back to see the tops. Long sliding ladders are attached to every stretch of shelves, and the wandmakers make great use of these to reach those wands which are tucked away high up. There seems to be a filing system of sorts, some kind of method to the madness, though most of the boxes are unmarked. Is it a colour code? Or is it shape? size? smell? Something else? Well you'll never know unless you get a job here. Luckily, and out of sheer necessity, these shelves have been bespelled so that wandboxes are not in danger of flying everywhere due to errant spells cast by children wielding their new wands. Wand Weighing Large and made of brass, the wand-weigher machine has a scale in front where you can place your wand. There is a small plaque on the front which states it was made in Paris in 1860, which begs the question, why does it print out little cards in English? Well that would be because the machine has been recently modified with brand new charms. There's a coin slot on the front. One sickle will get you an assessment of your wand's condition. A flick of a hidden switch will return it to its regular function, in which case the card which it spits out will state the wand components, and the age of the wand, instead of recommending products for it.
Originally housed at the French Ministry of Magic in Paris, this Wand-Weigher Machine began to act up a decade or so ago and had been sitting in storage until previous shop owner Ira Banner acquired it, fixed it up, and gave it new purpose. It no longer simply tells what a wand is made from (since the wandmakers themselves are perfectly able to do this without magical help), instead it assess the condition of a wand and suggests what product might benefit it. Of course, you can always get a second opinion from one of the wandmakers... Counter Ollivanders is a long and narrow shop, with impossibly tall and crooked shelves making up the majority of its space, but this is as far as the Wizarding public are permitted to go unaccompanied. Here is the counter, a thick, rustic slab of darkest mahogany, worn smooth from years of use. On top of the counter sits an old fashioned brass cash register which seems to have a mind of its own. It toots and whistles and lets off steam as purchases are entered into it and the drawer pops out jauntily to receive payment, and if anyone tries to get into it, an obnoxious caterwauling charm will go off. Best not to try, it knows how to defend itself.
On the wall next to the counter there is an inventory board, which lists every product sold and service provided at Ollivanders aside from the wands themselves. If you wish to buy a holster, or any polishes or wand care products, this is where you should look. The products themselves are displayed on the racks and in baskets attached to one side of the counter.