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Old 12-19-2019, 07:45 AM
ArianaBlack ArianaBlack is offline
Ravenclaw The Diadem: Noticeboard

__________________________________graphics by hermionesclone

Need help keeping track of lessons? Or maybe you’re looking to help Ravenclaw win some house points?

Hanging in a very visible spot in the Common Room, the noticeboard is a large cork board that is typically covered in pins and announcements. This is the place to find information on upcoming classes and assignments, Quidditch news, and student notices!

Any professor or Ravenclaw student can post in this thread with announcements they see for classes and clubs. Please feel free to post in here for the benefit of your peers (be sure to include links to the lesson or direct quotes from the professors themselves)! If there’s already a post in here about a lesson, don’t post it again!

This post will be updated as frequently as possible with the listing of open and upcoming classes.
* It might be helpful to SUBSCRIBE to this thread!

Open Lessons
Remember, don't announce your late arrival! If a class has already started, pretend as though you've been there the whole time.

Upcoming Lessons
