~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Sachin looked over at Jane and shook his head. His free hand, he threw it up to protect his face from the strong winds. Thank the Gods he’d had the sense to get away from wind when Saul told them to. In all honesty, it wasn’t one of the MLEr’s best ideas today. Sachin was unknowingly thinking along the same lines as Conley with regard to the fire spreading.
At the moment, too distracted by the wind and flames, the Ambassador really couldn’t think clearly. Did anyone else have any brilliant ideas? Jane? Maybe not Saul. Oh, but Conley did! Relieved, he nodded his understanding. Of course! This particular charm was commonly used to put out flames. “Aqua Eructo!’’ A steady, strong burst of water was directed at the wind. |