Coffin could have been a comedian, Bain! Mom says I have no sense of direction, so I packed my bags and right. Carter's attitude was really beginning to become more of a hinderance than the Vampire setting everything on fire. He was not snapping. The current situation was a hectic one and shouting through the roaring inferno of fireballs that Bain was tossing around was practically a necessity at this point. How else were they going to communicate. The Bubble Heads over each of their heads was adding to the need for shouting. "We need you here, Carter." Read the room, the literal burning room. Cut your loses. Bain had the upper-hand with the distraction he pulled.
He said what he needed to say to the gung-ho Auror. Then returned to extinguishing the flames. No hated it more that Bain was messing them so handily. He was gonna take this quite personally.
Pleased that both Conely and Sachin had gotten free of the flames as well and they continued to help fight the fire.
Then one more showed up. Jane, If he remembered she too like Conley as well were a part of the Order. That's what he recalled Scott telling him. Her use of Water spells to soak the room where the fire hadn't spread was ingenious. How was Matthew fairing?
He was aware Bain was still there. The fire was being put out but he could see more flames coming in from behind him so he kept fighting the fires the deadly man kept creating. Eyes on the back of his head and aware of the Vampire, Saul dropped to the floor when he felt some major heat coming right for him. The flames skidding across his back and he let out a loud yell. There was going to be a nasty burn wasn't there? The Fireball smashed into the room adding to the blaze before him. "Dammit Bain!" He turned around on the floor ready to fire back at him but he had already run off.
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