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"Oh, that's really cool! Pretty much almost everyone in your family has been in all the houses. My family's just filled with Slytherins. I'm pretty sure that there may possibly be one or two Ravenclaws somewhere down there line, but who knows." She replies with a shrug. Thinking of her brother, she lets out a small sigh. "My brother and I...sometimes don't get along. It's mainly my fault. With everything going on in school, I haven't been able to see him as much because of being seperated and having to keep our mouths shut so we don't get into any trouble because of our mixed blood heritage, but...this year has definitely changed me a lot. I've become more...open to speaking to different people and not letting my temper get the better of me. With my brother, we still have a ways to go with getting along with one another, but I guess it just comes with the territory."
"We have been. Lily is a Hufflepuff. So that makes every house now." Dahlia nodded her head.
"Oh, Lily is my triplet." Just in case she didn't know.
"I kinda find it funny whenever I hear someone says their family is mostly Slytherin but with some Ravenclaws mixed in. It's never really Gryffindor or Hufflepuff." Her papa's family was Slytherin and her mum's was Ravenclaw with very few Gryffindor's and Hufflepuff's mixed in.
Listening to Aibhi talk about her relationship with her brother made Lia think about herself and her family.
"Oh... that sounds.. really not fun." She was going to say 'sad' but she didn't want to upset the older girl any further than she already appeared to be.
"I really hope things can be worked out between the two of you. Family is very special." She smiled softly. Her siblings were everything to her, even the much much older ones that were long moved out and had children of their own.