Hi ^_^ Got perm to say Sachin made it before Conley. ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. Sachin, being fitter and a few years younger than his husband, managed to overtake Conley during their run from the mid level corridor when their pins went off. As such, he arrived at the Technology Lounge slightly before the other man. Even before he reached though, he could see and smell the smoke. What he saw when he arrived? Goldwasser. The man at the heart of all of this mess. Or at least, one of the persons. One of the MLErs was already taking care of the flames but the Ambassador raised his wand and pointed it in Goldwasser’s direction. At the same time, he couldn’t help but remember how so many months ago, Conley had warned him to stay away from the MLE Head.
Sachin, not being trained like MLErs, stayed slightly back and quiet. Still, he wasn’t someone to mess with when it came to spellwork. And had Conley joined the group yet? The Ambassador didn't dare take his gaze off of Goldwasser to find out. “Kya yah aadamee sachamuch aag mein jalana chaahata tha?” {Did this man really want to be burnt in the fire?} his thoughts raced.
Last edited by FearlessLeader19; 03-22-2021 at 04:11 PM.