Avalon thought that she would feel significantly better after making her pointed comment at Nem, but it had only made her feel more uneasy. Namely because she was now considering that she hadn't really seen it coming. Nem had always been, well, Nem. A little arrogant. A little sly. But Avalon never disliked them. Nor did she ever imagine they would turn against their classmates and professors like this. It made her wonder who else could be deceiving her. Perhaps she needed to be more careful with the company she kept.
She appreciated Professor Flamsteed's attempt to bring some hope into the lesson. But Avalon wasn't feeling very hopeful as of late, and she wasn't sure that flowers could change that. Nevertheless, she needed a distraction. She was getting far too upset for her own good. So, the Ravenclaw picked out a cornflower, simply because she was drawn to its bright color. It took a bit of prying to get out of the ground, but once she removed it, she got to work on plucking its leaves. Avalon did so gently, not wanting to rip any of them. Next to her, she collected all the plucked leaves in a neat pile. Focusing on little, precise things like that was her way of keeping busy. So that she didn't completely fall apart.