So these next two pieces came to mind just a few hours after it happened. If anyone hasn't seen what unfolded in Potions Class this most recent term. I'll provide a link to it.
Oh hey!
A wild link has appeared! scroll up to see what lead to this moment, scroll down to see the reactions

The motivation came to me when I was sent my "
dead" student PM by the Narrator. But they were never dead! They are trapped within a mirror
Originally Posted by The Narrator
Oh dear,
You now find yourself in a dark place. There is nothing ahead of you and nothing behind you. There is no real indication of where you could be and no indication of how you'll get out.
This one I wanted to portray Moose trapped in a mirror. the white reflective surface and the wooden border on each side representing the mirror he was trapped within
This next one I'm a tad more proud of. No mirror reflection, this one would look more what it may seem like within the mirror itself. I wanted to show him still floating in space, and endless void I best summarized it to. I wanted to portray this void as smokey as if the black smoke that took him away was still surrounding him in this space leaving very poor vision to see around himself. The pink in the image is actually lilac. It was a suggestion by Kath since it was the color change my UN went to once Moose was removed from the school.
This is an experience I do not recommend you attempt to get your characters into. Avoid it at all cost!