There was something about watching a person in pain that was intriguing and it made the figure stand there and just watch in amusement. Though it seemed the staff nor the students every learned from seeing this happen to others, maybe they should line up the entire school and have them each get the feeling to learn their lessons and realize they needed to stop trying to step out of line. Since that wasn't the squads job, the figure just moved to stand directly over top the student. "Do your business and hurry up." With a flick of the wand the bags that the professor had and the one that was given to the student were now vanished and the figure kicked the leg of the professor hard, "Get up and get moving. You ever try something like that again and you won't have a breath in you to beg."
Glancing at the door the figure glared at the next in line, "Hurry it up all of you.", they didn't have all day.
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