think she became a zombie *thinking face* That's Rough Buddy | Be the Flower | Moon & Stars
Everything was all happening all too soon. Just moments ago Lilith had just woken up from a nightmare involving Rosier riding a dragon as black as ink with blood dripping from its fangs. The land was covered in fire. She managed to jolt awake before the dragon ate her.
Real life and nightmares were no different she discovered soon after. Alarms blared. They were expected in the courtyard, and when she arrived, the fifth year Slytherin trembled in both fear and cold.
Just like a nightmare, things unfolded at a fast pace. She couldn't run. She couldn't open her mouth. She frozen on her spot as children were abused. As a professor was tortured in front of their eyes. The strangest thing began to unfold within. Her fight began to diminish...s l o w l y. A blanket of numbess lay over her as her mind separated from her body. It was as if she was a ghost and her body just stood there.
Not even a single tear.
She's heard of the specific term of what was happening to her, but it just wouldn't come to mind. Her trembling stopped. It felt as if her breathing had too until the hooded people began to escort her classmates away. Morgan was one of them. Her house mates were in the mix as well. That's when her lungs demanded air out of nowhere. Lilith clutched her robes at her chest and breathed in through her nose. Quiet. Very, very quiet.
If they heard her breathe she might be taken away.
When they were dismissed she tugged her robes closer to her center, and began back to her dorm. Like a zombie. Her mind elsewhere. Her body retreating back to the familiarity of the Slytherin Common room.
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