Thread: The Black Lake
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Old 02-17-2021, 05:43 PM   #41 (permalink)
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Brandon Fox
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Phoebe Calypso [s]Dupont[/s]
Fifth Year
Which came first, the phoenix or the flame?

Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
Ilya was reading the book he had started last week, and since the Music classroom wasn't an option all the time viable. Sometimes he preferred walk-reading if you want to call it that. The Lake was his favourite location outside, even in the winter, so he bundled up in his coat over his uniform, his scarf and hat and went outside. His Metamorphagus was not showing today, his mood and urges have been calm thankfully, so he was sporting his natural (??) blonde hair and blue eyes as he walked down the path.

The book was in his hand, open, as his eyes ran through the lines. However, he heard a small voice to his right at one spot, it was a song first. Ilya hesitated and looked sideways at one of the small Ravenclaws he must've seen in the common room before. She looked familiar. She was talking to the sky-- she was scolding the sky, actually. This was a second small weird Ravenclaw, were they always like this? Was HE ever like this? He didn't remember, he refused to believe so. "The sky won't listen." He provided, approaching her but not sitting down. "You shouldn't be out here all alone. Especially not when you expect to have a dialogue with the sky." He was a sarcastic jerk, but he did have a heart, thank you very much. And with them small children depressed everywhere recently, it was hard to keep his heart at bay.
"I'm not having a dialogue with the sky," Ash informed the guy. "I am taking out my emotions at the one thing that won't try to kill me when I'm mad at it." It was smart. Also, she was lying down, and he was standing up, so as a threat response, she stood up too. She was only five foot four at the moment, but that was much better than lying down. "I don't want the sky to listen or talk back," she said, softly. "I want it to ignore me. Just an insane child who has burned down too many things. Not a threat, and not someone who deserves to die." She stuck her hands in her pockets. "Just once, I want everything to ignore me. Which I have apparently failed at." Should she be out here alone? No, which was why this kid was here, apparently. Problem solved. She squinted at him. Was he a cultist in disguise? "I'm Ash," she said, unsurely. She was far from a nickname basis with this potential murderer, but she just went by Ash now. It was practically her name. It was fitting. She burned stuff down, her life was burning down, and she was missing the important life stuff. No. Ashley was too long and too normal. Ash was short, and depressing, and referenced fire. Yeah. She was Ash now. But who was this? She narrowed her eyes. "You are?" And if he answered in a way she didn't like, she was absolutely gonna run for it. Stranger danger. Maybe he was Emmerson in disguise.
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