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Old 02-15-2021, 04:49 AM   #74 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Maddox Robicheaux
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Felicity Morose
Fourth Year
Default wheeeewwww chilay, Quinn had a lot to say today (Table 5)
The Gay Agenda™< >Homiesexual uwu

SPOILER!!: Da Table Shenanigans
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Bernie was again SO grateful to have Phoebe for a friend but also SO WORRIED by Rosier's response to her answer. He.... he... he'd liked it, hadn't he? She felt her heart sinking, and then dropping entirely when the activity became clear.

Great. So they were torturing animals now in addition to the humans. Fun fun fun. How was Bernie going to work her magic? She just didn't want to see anyone get hurt this lesson, so she took it upon herself to gather a rat and a box and then go get a group.

She scooted over to Atlas and Quinn's little group of babies (since she already saw Ashley, worryingly, working with Nem). Bernie did NOT like working with babies, so maybe Phoebe would join them, but also... maybe she wouldn't, since Rosier had been pretty clear about GROUPS OF FOUR ONLY. Guess time would also tell if Eden saw their group. ALSO, please note what a good leader Bernadette was being in sacrificing her time and energy (and possibly self) in order to help the even younger and yet somehow even more reckless Muggleborns. And Flamsteed. He wasn't a Muggleborn, but he had the unfortunate qualities of being young and naive and Gryffindor.

So back to the box and rat game.

"Well we can either tamper with the cheese more, or the rat, or make the box," ya know, the environment, "kind of impossible for the rat."

Funny how this paralleled their current situation at the school, huh.

Bernie looked from their table to the boys. "Whaddaya wanna do first?"
Originally Posted by Bryn View Post
This activity actually sounded pretty fun! Practicing on a rat MUST be much better practice than inanimate objects, right? It didn't hurt that Eden was just waiting on the day Rosier decided the muggleborns should be target practice, so any that didn't happen was a win in her book.

Eden beelined it to Quinn and Atlas. It was always good to have back-up, and partnering with Ashley was completely out of the question - Rosier wouldn't like it one bit. Eden didn't really know Atlas outside of classes, but she'd been wanting to get to know him better since Quinn was with him all the time. All she really knew was there was a rumor he'd pee'd himself in Charms, but she decided not to let a rumor cloud her judgement of Atlas before she knew more about him.

Someone older was already there, too - Grantham, right? But it was still...1...2...3....yes! She walked even faster to get to the table before the fourth spot was taken, and arrived just in time to hear Bernie's last question. Sorry to pop up right behind you, Bernie, probably should have said hello first.

"Could we put a charm around the cheese so the rat can't get close?"

And then could she learn it and put it around herself? Did it work that way?
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
He had been so lost in his own thoughts that he hadn't heard Bernie speak, or really anyone else for that matter, so Atlas was...relieved that the man had not Crucio'd him or worse for a repeat answer. He felt like nothing, nothing, was off the table with Rosier...who honestly felt more and more unhinged. Whatever relief he may have felt quickly vanished as more of the lesson was revealed. Namely the rat and the threat of there being something in the cheese that would kill the rat. More and more...Atlas wanted to stick by Nemesis. It just felt...ironically safer, somehow. Though before Atlas could voice his opinion, he felt Quinn's tug on his sleeve again...and the Gryffindor once again assumed it meant that Quinn wanted to hold his hand. So there was an urge to repeat himself as well, that they could talk and such later and maybe while in the Tower Patch as well, but there were words attached to the gesture this time. The first year glanced over towards Nemesis, who was moving towards a table already (WAIT COME BACK!) and then one of those two names Quinn had mentioned joined Nemesis...and then their table full. much for that plan.

Signing and with a frown, the flush washed from his features instantly, he looked back to Quinn. "I was hoping to..." And then a wild Bernie appeared, which came as a small comfort, followed soon by Eden and...well...that was it then, wasn't it? But he still wasn't going to hold Quinn's hand...entirely too afraid of the repercussions for both of them if they did. Even if it would be one of the best feelings in the world right now. Or, well, maybe it would be. Not that this Flamsteed was admitting to on ANY level actually craving physical affection of any variety. Nope nope.

Later though, okay?

But offense...this group did not speak much towards self preservation and it had Atlas' insides knotting up terribly. Like...if they were going to have to kill the rat, who in this group was going to do it? For some reason...Atlas would put his galleon on Eden. Or maybe himself given the right circumstances.

Not to get ahead of anything though, Rosier HAD said if they didn't want the rat to die.

Fidgeting, his eyes locked on the beady eyes of the rat and then to Eden at her suggestion.

"...what if we just levitate it so it's out of its reach." Simple, effective, rat away from the cheese no matter what. "Keep it level with the top of the walls...which are taller than the rat can reach to climb over ... " Or else thie would be an ineffective maze.

Quinn followed Atlas's eyes as he watched Nem leave and he frowned. He understood why Atlas would look up to them—heck, Quinn thought they were cool for a while—but... Quinn didn't like them anymore. Truthfully, he didn't trust them as far as he could throw them, which wasn't far given Nem was tall and 15 or 16 and Quinn was short and 11. And, the more Quinn thought about it, the less sure he was about Nem's allegiance. Pureblood (maybe; Quinn wasn't sure), Slytherin—not that Slytherins were bad, just, y'know, historically...—and open to threatening people. Well, open to threatening Quinn, but Quinn being a Muggleborn didn't help their case. Not killing Quinn did, though; they easily could've thrown him down the stairs and suffered no repercussions, and that was the part that was holding Quinn back. That, and lack of actual evidence. Quinn would never act on an assumption alone, no matter how strong the assumption was or how convinced he was of it. And honestly, Quinn was only halfway convinced himself, so there would be no acting of the sort (also, the fact that he was only pretty sure he'd been threatened took the assumption down a couple more notches). But, that didn't mean Nem would have any sort of his trust. He may not be making any moves because of an assumption, but an assumption was enough to lose all trust, especially in a situation like this.

But, also... Quinn hadn't noticed it until it was gone, but... was Atlas blushing around Nemesis? That was... something Quinn thought he shouldn't think about right now. Lots of ideas floating around.

The point is, no matter which side Nem was on, Quinn still thought he was rude and a bully, and he didn't want Atlas around him. "I'm sorry, Atlas, I just... I don't think Nemesis is someone you should be looking up to," he whispered, hopefully so that only Atlas heard. He wanted to talk to Eden and Bernie about them as well—Quinn thought it was funny how all three of the people he currently trusted the most at school had gathered at a table with him, even though none of them really knew any of the others very well (except maybe Bernie and Atlas, but that was for the wrong reasons)—but DADA didn't seem like the time or place to get into that whole conversation. Plus, Eden and Atlas still didn't know about what he and Bernie discussed, so they wouldn't understand why he was telling her. Quinn was still unsure about telling either of them the truth about that whole situation, Eden because of her hotheadedness and Atlas because of his dad.

Strange times to live in where you couldn't tell your closest friends truths for the sake of your life, their lives and the lives of their loved ones.


Rats. Maze. Cheese. Bad.

He listened to the suggestions of the rest of the group; he thought Eden's idea would be good, but he wasn't sure what that charm would be. He liked Atlas's idea about levitating the cheese, too—Rosier said by any means, and levitation was a means. Quinn had another idea as well. "Levitating the cheese could definitely work. I'm not sure what charm would be able to keep the rat away from the cheese, though," he shrugged at Eden, "but we could also use Petrificus Totalus to petrify the rat if it got too close to the cheese. Or, I guess we could just petrify it from the beginning, but... that seems a little too simple, doesn't it?" He wasn't sure if Rosier would be impressed but such a straightforward solution, and he didn't want to give him any reason to dislike Quinn any more than he did.

Last edited by NiallNIP; 02-15-2021 at 08:16 PM. Reason: adding in table number ;..
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