#3 - Ashley, Violet, Kaaaale Lovely™ | Captain Hurted | Ariana's Bane | Resident Antagonist | Unparalleled Delight "Yeah, that's it." Nifty little charm, actually. They never left home without it. Fox seemed to be thinking, so Nem didn't disturb her, just set the rat on the table and gently held it in place while they waited for her to continue. "I do know it, but it's alright to have a go, if you're up for it. I promise I won't let the rat touch the cheese."
They looked up from Fox, noted Blackthorne and Vegetable, and gave a small smile to them both. "Hey." Joining? Yeah? Yeah. "Here's what I'm thinking. Animalis Fidelis. One of us, maybe Ashley, casts it on the rat, and guides it around the maze - if the spell works, it'll follow their fingers-" Nem did the pay me gesture, which sometimes worked for beckoning cats and things like that. They never paid up though. "-and go where it's told. If that person applies the spell every two minutes, that should be enough, and the rat will bond with them more as time goes on, and trust to follow where they're telling it in spite of the smell of the cheese."
It was boring in its simplicity, but fitting for group work. "If the charm isn't working, or wears off at the wrong time, and the rat strays near the cheese, someone else gives it a little zap. Nothing awful, just a shock or sting, and it'll back off, and Rosier should be satisfied too. A little pain isn't so bad if it means keeping the rat alive."
It was all for the greater good, one might say.
Anyway. "Carrot and stick. I'm totally open to other ideas, but we should get started or he won't be pleased." The Big Man, obviously. Nem released the rat into the maze, giving the others an opportunity to try... anything, really. That Flagrante Curse would hold, and they were not even entertaining the idea of failure.
__________________ Days of Potter 2023:___________________________ Which Bertie Botts Flavour Are You?  You are Chocolate! |