SPOILER!!: Claudine and Cece
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Claudine almost flinched when Minjae was attacked. Almost because she caught herself just in time. If she hadn’t, The Hood standing by the boot group would surely notice. Anyway. The Snakette had immediately grabbed onto the old boot when the appropriate time came and had soon gotten carried away {literally} with the familiar sensation of Portkey travel. The good thing about this time around? Claudine managed to stay on her feet when sticking the landing. This was possibly her first time ever she could say she hadn’t fallen over after using a Portkey.
The girl looked around at her group, secretly hoping that The Hood had gotten left behind. And were all her boot-mates here? “Everyone okay?’’
What a relief it was to be someplace other than Hogwarts right now. What a time to be exploring dragons!
"Which direction should we head in?" Because this girl was itching to check out the winged creatures!
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”I’m okay,” She answered Claudine distractedly, looking around. To be somewhere other than Hogwarts felt like some sort of miracle and the fact that this was a dragon reserve was even better. It made her feel closer to her mum. Her mum probably even had contacts here and maybe if she could just sneakily get word to someone...
But she’d made a promise that she’d be safe, hadn’t she? So if she made a move to say something and she was caught, it could mean REALLY bad things and she couldn’t risk that, could she?
...No, she couldn’t. She couldn’t risk anyone else getting hurt because of her.
Maybe Williamson had a plan. He had been acting strangely, after all. Maybe he was going to do something. She really hoped he was.
Glancing around at the others, the fifth year gestured to the path. ”I say we follow the path up that way and try to find the baby dragons. Come on.” Cece started walking, wand out, hoping her group would follow. Maybe they could put some ground between themselves and the hooded creepers.
Once they "landed", Aboli could feel her chest un-constricting???? They were NOT ON HOGWARTS PROPERTY? Really? Her eyes darted around. There were people here...regular people. People who knew nothing about Hogwarts. Her heartrate quickened. Should they do something?
NO. no. Not your job. Your job is to stay safe...for Noah, for Bernie, for Fiona, for all your friends...for Koko. And for your group. She twirled her wand automatically, her thinking too focused on her inner thoughts to notice.
"I feel dizzy, but otherwise fine," she said blankly, still lost in her thoughts.
"Baby dragons. Cool. Lead the way, Summers." Her tone was still.....not right. She was too engrossed in the idea of letting someone know out here what was happening at the school.
How had Williamson gotten sanction to do this? The Hooded Figures...there...had to be a catch they didn't know about. And so...she would be a good duckling, and she would do her following. No rebellion here. Too risky.