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Old 02-14-2021, 08:16 AM   #143 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default okay thank u, my innocent boy xDD
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
No, he was not. It was yet to be determined whether that worked in his favor or against. Though the odds were quickly staking against him and it had little to do with his words and all to do with the manner in which he was seeming to salivate over her with his eyes.

Listening as the words stumbled out of his mouth, Valerie took a moment to pause and push away her usual dismissive tendencies. She had been informed by her manager (had she ever mentioned how much she loathed having one of those?) that she needed to work on having a less prickly public persona for the sake of the success of the film and all those attached to it. Sometimes she hated having sentiment in her heart, it was easier when she lead the solitary life and cared not of external opinions and their butterfly effects.

" are welcome," she replied curtly, stoically, obviously finding little flattering in the moment. "...for the illustration of common sense."

She had tried...somewhat.
Those thoughts that were going in her head would've been so interesting to hear. He would've liked to hear her say and justify them. While she posed for him. If she wanted to. Gah, she looked so inspiring, she should work in entertainment. Rory was so clearly taken by her it didn't need a legilimens to figure it out, maybe you'd need one to figure why.

Rory smiled a little easier at first, but she quickly took that comfort away from him. Was that a dig at him?? It was. He lived with Kodee for far too long to not recognize a subtle dig like this. It had just been so long since he was on this side of the dig. Also, he was definitely not comparing the woman to Kodee, ew, no. His train of thoughts went woohoo sometimes when he didn't speak (which was often). He needed to have a proper conversation for his thoughts to be organized and not... as chaotic and senseless as they were right then.

"I realize it might be a spontaneous reaction for someone who's used to dropping possessions in puddles," he did not plan on sassing the woman he was trying to have pose for him. Nope, not at all. Yet, it came out naturally, with a smile. "I'm quite coordinated in my movements, though. So... like I said, thanks for the help." He was being cheeky at this point, his wide relaxed smile must clue her in on his cheekiness.
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