Other Characters Lobalug
Join Date: Mar 2020
Posts: 174
| SPOILER!!: Replies SPOILER!!: Grantham Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl "You use the Imperius Curse on them," Bernadette answered off the cuff, hating herself for admitting it, and yet finding herself wondering if that was even incorrect.
She squeezed Phoebe's hand back, feeling both better and worse to be holding hands with a friend. A) Because she needed friends this year more than ever, and B) Because what if this made her friend a target? Well, C) They were both kind of already targets, right? So... so back to the promise Bernie had made someone at some point this year: If she was going down this school year, she was going down swinging and taking some stupid Neo-Alliance members with her.
And look at her, thinking for a change. But then, this class ALWAYS had her thinking. It was one of her better subjects, unfortunately for her.
There was...the faintest of smirks spreading at the Gryffindor's response. It wasn't an answer the girl liked, that much he could deduce, but it was awful on the nose, wasn't it? "Indeed. I've heard there's a wide range of things you can accomplish with a little spell like that. Very useful. Perhaps we'll have a lesson on it." Watch them squirm a little while they insisted they could never.
Honestly. SPOILER!!: Fox Quote:
Originally Posted by astrocat Ash moved away from Eden without a shred of shown emotion. Look how responsible she was today. It was for the girl's safety. "Personally sir, I would threaten what they want the most, preferably a human, and I would act awful towards who they loved the most but be really, really nice to them. And then they would feel so conflicted and torn that they would be easy to manipulate. And I would use small displays of force, every so often, just to remind them who was in charge. Perfect balance of love and fear." She shrugged nonchalantly. How was that for an answer? It was unclear where she had gotten that idea from, but secretly, it was from TV shows. "Plus, it's really enjoyable. On the one hand, you scare the daylight out of them, and you also get power." It was enjoyable, if you were a manipulative psychopath. "Alternatively, you could act nicely towards everyone but them, and that would make them feel like they're the crazy one. That works too." Was this really Fox? Or was it a shell of a person? Or was the real Fox a shell of a person? Who knew. Who cared. "A bit convoluted, but it could work, yes. Requires more effort and takes a longer time but I suppose if you're into the slow game then it might be the sort of thing to work." Leave it to a Ravenclaw to go all the way around the bush and back just to get something done.
Always with the heavily planned schemes that took forever to show results. Not that the alliance hadn't gone the long and slow route themselves, but their actions had always been more... direct. SPOILER!!: Song Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Aboli raised her hand almost immediately after Rosier asked his question. "A wise man once said you must rule by fear. The psychology behind fear makes a particularly useful maneuver to keep people in line. You make them fear consequences, and show them you mean business by action, and rebellions and revolts are slim to none. Sir." She paused, licking her lips, before continuing. "It is better to be feared than to be loved." Machiavelli. Had he been a wizard? She couldn't remember, so she purposely didn't mention his name. Merlin forbid a muggle say something of use. Even this.
Aboli did not share the sentiments. It was exactly what Rosier was doing with his reign over Hogwarts currently. But Aboli had been ruminating over her own choices and actions lately due to her fear of the Alliance, and she supposed she fell right into the group of people who followed orders out of fear. Hmph.
It was not a great feeling. "An inspired idea." Lucien said, his lips quirking upward in something of a faint smile. It proved the Slytherin was capable of understanding the game that was currently being run. Even if her example had not been taken from him and the alliance, it was not hard to draw the parallels.
The man hadn't always intended to rule by fear but most of these kids couldn't take a hint unless there was a wand to their throat. SPOILER!!: Upstead Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Nem had noticed some of these kids gravitate over towards them, and spared each only a glance, Flamsteed Clone, Blackthorne, even that Kingsley kid, whose name they'd been toying with recently. Beyond that, they just kept watching the other students, their eyes flicking to the Big Man's face with the arrival of each one, watching the reaction, then moving along.
They appreciated this whole 'diving straight into things' bit, getting right down to business. The question, however, posed a quandary, despite being right up Nem's alley. Not to disappoint the Big Man or anything - Merlin knew he was the only person they had met so far who was worth attention or consideration or... anything - but Nem had no plans to share all their thoughts on this matter. Obviously. They stood silently for a moment, turning things over in their mind, moulding thoughts into an answer reasonably likely to be accepted by the Big Man, but also nothing that really gave the game away, or would disadvantage them later down the line, or made it look like they were deliberately playing stupid. Soon enough, Nem raised a hand. "The carrot and stick method is often used, sir, in many different ways; sometimes people don't even notice it. Reward versus punishment. People tend to move towards the carrot, the reward - like happiness, money, life - and away from the stick, the punishment - fear, torture, death. It can be used in a magical context just as much as a mundane or psychological one." For instance, the whole Crucio thing. That situation with the jarvey. People had been behaving more since then, hadn't they? "But it can also help to know the target, depending on how obvious you want to be with it. Figure out who responds more to the carrot than the stick, or vice versa. Or who subverts the system entirely."
Know your audience, folks.
Upstead was a perfect example of the scenario he'd just given. While many of the students at the school needed a firm 2x4, Upstead needed...well...they didn't even need the carrot. The disparity was striking but the man had since learned to take it as it was. "Right you are. Different treatment for different mentalities. Some need only a promise of...say....crucio. Others need several sessions. In the end, they both give the same response. "
Something he hoped the others were listening. SPOILER!!: James Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack The stare down made Kinsay feel all sorts of unsettled. She didn't like it one bit. Even though she was a Gryffindor and was supposed to be brave, Headmaster Rosier made her feel small and scared and very uncourageous. Shrinking under his gaze, she chose a nice spot beyond the lake to stare at until class began.
Despite not wanting to talk and risk losing her mouth, she knew what he did when students stayed silent and Kinsay wasn't trying to look for trouble. She never tried looking for it. It just always found her or maybe her friends had something to do with that. So when the first question was asked, she raised her hand, albeit reluctantly. "Um. Maybe you could ask nicely?" She offered with a little shrug. "People like that." She paused for a moment, before raising her hand again with a second thought. "Or reverse psychology." Sometimes that worked too.
..... "....Were you dropped on your head a few times as a young child?" Serious question, the kind you asked with your eyes boring even further into the person you were asking because..... what? "Do you think if the answer was ask nicely there would be quite so many wars? If I asked you nicely to off Cambridge, does that mean you'll be amenable due to a change in tone?" SPOILER!!: Turov Quote:
Originally Posted by Waddles Mamie listened attentively to the other students' answers while she tried to think of her own. She wanted it to be an answer that Rosier would like, more so than something she might do to get someone to do her bidding. As if she'd ever be able to have someone else do her chores or something.
She thought about talking about money or bribes, but that Nemesis kid had already mentioned that. Then she remembered blackmail. She wondered if Rosier had ever blackmailed somebody. Hand up. "You could blackmail them," she said. "F-Find out something they don't want anyone else to know, and threaten to tell...everybody if they don't do what you want." Or if they do what you don't want. Talking when asked for silence. Silent when asked for answers. He got the gist.
Rosier mulled that one over silently for a moment before finally nodding. "Depending on the person, how much they have to lose and the information you manage to dig up, this could be an excellent means of getting things done, yes."
Some cared an awful lot about their reputation. Some cared enough about the people who would be hurt by the news that they would do anything to prevent it getting out.
Emotional manipulation was always an option. SPOILER!!: Jenovick Quote:
Originally Posted by Ginevra Fiona thought for a moment about what sort of answer would be suitable in Rosier's mind before raising her hand and answering. "I believe psychological torture would be a viable option. Depriving someone of sleep until their mind becomes addled is one option." "True, to an extent. Torture them too far and they'll be useless to your cause. There's a happy medium that you need to hit to be successful but it's a good starting thought, yes." SPOILER!!: Yoon Quote:
Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi Minjae was slightly surprised that the 'Headmaster' even bothered to know his name, being Muggleborn and all that, he had thought that he wouldn't bother so did this mean he was finally opening up and accepting them?
Yeah even Minjae did not believe his own thoughts. "Maybe target someone's loved ones, sir?" he asked after raising his hand. He didn't sound that confident but that was because his brain was not wired to be manipulative so coming up with an idea was pretty difficult. But this would make sense to him. He'd probably do anything if his little brother was threatened. "Its human nature to resist, no one likes being told what to do but if you go after someone they love be it a wife, husband, child, friend, most people would comply with anything to keep them from harms way and they will likely not do anything you don't want them to, right? " he was trying here okay? "Right." Again, a slow barely noticeable smile began to tug at the man's lips. It was yet another tactic that sounded oh so familiar. One he could attest did the job quite well and had thus far been working out. "For that reason, the more people you care about is the more vulnerable you'll become." His own circle was rather small and he intended to keep it that way. SPOILER!!: Tilly Quote:
Originally Posted by Bryn Eden moved in the opposite direction from where Ashley was going, also not trying to make waves today. And now she was alone.
Since participation was 100 percent mandatory, Eden raised her hand. She was sure Rosier wouldn't find her answer satisfactory. "People respond to attention, sir. If you ice someone out whenever they don't do what you want, they may become more eager to please. One would have to avoid doing that to the wrong people, though, or there could be consequences." "Very true, for 12 year olds." No, he was not particularly impressed by the Ravenclaw's response. It was exactly the sort of thing you did on the playground or at the park. "In the real world, the most influential people don't care if you're giving them the silent treatment. Lackeys....eh, sure but there's faster ways to get to them. More effective ways."
When you needed something done, or not done, it wasn't always possible to wait for the person to become affected by the slow game. SPOILER!!: Flamsteed Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie He wasn't sure why he sort of felt safer standing by Nemesis Upstead, or maybe it was that he so desperately wanted to feel safe in this lesson that his brain had convinced him that he was. But his stance had relaxed, even after Rosier greeted him gruffly in return. Though what DID start making his hair stand on edge was Quinn's appearance...and apparent need to hold his hand right now???
This wasn't the first time they would have held hands, but the Gryffindor found himself at a horrible crossroads. Giving in to the want, a very REAL want ... for the record, meant drawing Rosier's eyes...and Quinn was a muggleborn and holding hands with a muggleborn while in the presence of the leader of the Neo Alliance was an obvious act of defiance. An act that would draw the man's attention and potentially make him assume that Atlas, accurately, was not a supporter and then...and then...and then...
Swallowing thickly, Atlas did take ahold of his friend's hand...but only so he could move it away from him. He did offer a small squeeze, something that wouldn't be easily picked up unless you were feeling it yourself. He did offer a small apologetic look and mouthed the word 'later' - entirely oblivious that this had not been Quinn's intention at all.
As for Nemesis Upstead...Atlas had absolutely no reason to think anything sinister about them. They answered questions in the same way everyone else did, cringe worthy and hurtful ones too. Heartless ones that compared to Aboli's cruel ones after Mollywobbles had been killed right in front of them. If anything....maybe...the Slytherin seemed to have adapted to the new normal of Hogwarts more easily than others. The first year didn't find fault with that and it sure beat crying and feeling like you might leak if you had even the tiniest bit of liquid in your bladder.
And then class began, question thrown out there and Atlas' thoughts only able to swirl around one toilet bowl of sorrows and right to the only Unforgiveable he had not witnessed in person this term. "....using the Imperius Curse."
As soon as the words left his lips, he wished they hadn't. What if he had just spoken into existence...no...he didn't even want to think about that. There was...there was just no way... "Yes, as Grantham touched on earlier, the Imperius Curse is a good way to get what you want done." The boy likely had little idea how...close the answer was to his own home...his own father.
Things had...hit a little snag but it was nothing they couldn't move past. The show needed to go on. Airey was in the right mindset to make it work like...oh....a charm. Imperius was as effective as polyjuicing, leaving Lucien with very little complaints.
So long as it got done. SPOILER!!: Belrose Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul The question was so easy Ilya furrowed his forehead at the headmaster and at the answers. They were ranging from downright dramatic and cruel to naive and stupid. He should work on his "not judging people" thing, yeah yeah, he was told many times before. The problem was he wasn't interested in refining that skill.
"Blackmail." He answered loudly. "You need to be in power for people who don't share your goal to do what you want or to serve your goal. Blackmail is one option, it's usually an easy and simple one." Easier than using your magic and accidentally killing your subject. Also, Ilya actually didn't enjoy violence.
Another for blackmail. It wasn't a bad idea depending on who you used it against, but it could sometimes be time consuming. "With some effort, yes, this is a good option. Of course you'd have to rely on the person first having something they'd kill to keep secret." Some people were boring, afterall. They woke, went to work, then went home. "Though I suppose you could always force them into something then blackmail them about it. Either way, it's not necessarily the easiest way to go about it." SPOILER!!: Rutherford Quote:
Originally Posted by Sunflower Irithel hated physical contact, but seeing some kids hold hands made her think that she would like someone to hold hers. She wanted a nice friend to tell her that everything would be alright, even though the lie would not improve anything but her own mood.
She raised her hand to answer the first question. "You can use logic. Give them reasons to do what you want. Make the rationale sound nice and hide the ugly things." Honestly, guys. Imperio? Blackmail? Torture? Logical persuasion should be the first step for anyone with a brain. It was done to them all the time without them noticing: in daily conversations, advertisements, academic reports, also in this class for indoctrination purposes, but this clever Ravenclaw could always spot fallacies. That was why she would never believe in pure-blood supremacy. "In an ideal world, this would be a valuable option, yes." When people could be swayed by logic and did not let their emotions cloud their better judgement. "However, in high stakes situations, not everyone is equipped to accept and fall in line with logic. Some become oppositional, no matter how factual your arguments are. There's a reason wise men are warned not to argue with idiots." Logic had its place, just...not always. SPOILER!!: Donovan Quote:
Originally Posted by Kolyander Dahlia had given Kinsay a quick but warm little smile when the slightly older girl stood near her. Unfortunately there wasn't any time to really greet her properly or say anything at all really as the lesson was beginning.
Uhhh. Well these questions were a lovely start to the lesson. NOT. This wasn't at all what she wanted to think about. She knew if she didn't give an answer though, the outcome wouldn't be a good one. The first thing that came to her mind was begging or nagging. It was easy and could get extremely annoying very quickly. When she was younger it worked well for her and her siblings against their parents, especially if Elias, Lily and her worked together.
Lia knew better than to give that as her answer. She slowly raised her hand. "Torture. It doesn't really matter which kind. Everyone has a weakness and when that weakness is pushed enough they'll cave and do what you want." A method she would never use. There was much better ways to get the things she wanted. Like puppy-dog eyes and a pouty lip, fake tears and whining. All very effective and no one got hurt.
Lucien nodded. "Yes, like Jenovick said, torture is a means you can employ to achieve your end. Again, I'll caution that it must be balanced. Too much and your captive will be too spent to prove of any use whatsoever." Torture was effective and it often got results, however, "There's also the chance you have a stubborn captive. Some are loyal enough they'd sooner die than give in."
The man had met a few like that. They took far too much work for nothing. SPOILER!!: Kingsley Quote:
Originally Posted by NiallNIP Quinn deflated as Atlas pushed his hand away and told him later—he felt the squeeze, though, so at least he wasn't annoyed. But... Atlas didn't understand. Quinn didn't know about Nem's dealings with the Alliance (though he wouldn't be surprised if he ever found out), but he didn't trust him one bit after the stairwell fiasco—you know, the one where he essentially threatened Quinn and didn't apologize for nearly knocking him down the stairs? Yeah, that one. Not Quinn's fondest memory.
He wrung his hands in front of him absentmindedly as he broke his gaze from Atlas, glanced briefly at Nem and finally looked back towards the Professor. He tried to think of another answer that people hadn't brought up—the Imperius Curse, blackmail, intimidation, outright threats, gaslighting. Well, you could kidnap them and then Polyjuice yourself to be them, he thought, but that would come out snarky, which would get him killed, not to mention he was standing right next to Atlas. "Uh... w-well... you could probably come up with a really good lie..? And then they'll... act on that lie... as long as it's not disproven..." This was a pretty obscure answer, but he thought it made sense..? "So, propaganda." Lucien consolidated. "It's been known to work. Flood society with your truth, drown out every other truth. Make your truth the most urgent truth. People are a little like sheep. Believe it or not, people like to be afraid. They like to know there's a great big thing that must be fought against, then that they themselves can fight or that there are those who will fight for them. It fuels a certain....excitement within them."
One day, the boy would understand. SPOILER!!: Luck Quote:
Originally Posted by aRogueOne
The question hadn’t taken her off guard but it wasn’t exactly something she herself had thought long and hard about. Sure, she’d maybe read of a few ways or had heard some of the kids at school shout reckless threats about the place like they’re some kind of dark witch or wizard but it wasn’t anything she had really put serious consideration into. Not like she had with some of the more important questions she’d been thinking about anyway like how to keep a dragon as a pet.
Raising her hand, the other tugging at her long black locks, she mumbled “You could always just ask them first? There’s no need to waste time and energy with other ideas if whoever it is just does exactly what you want straight away, is there? She had a feeling it wasn’t exactly what she wanted to hear but she knew her words to be true. Asking someone to do something and hoping that they’d do the right thing always seemed the best solution, or at least, that’s what she was always taught. “Besides, if you’re…you know…people are scared of you, why wouldn’t they listen if you ask them?” she added at the end.
Much like James, Lucien thought to ask this one if she too had been dropped on her head as a young child but rethought the question at the very last minute.
In the end, he simply nodded. "Asking. Sure. So long as you have a backup plan for the likely event they say no." As often happened when you had the grandest plans and people who needed persuading to join. SPOILER!!: Blaze Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Yes,this girl could easily be lost in a crowd, could easily be a fly on the wall. She preferred it that way, being an introvert and all. This trait of her was particularly serving her well this year, was it not?
Claudine mostly kept her eyes averted from everyone with the exception of a quick glance of each student as they approached. She spotted Minjae coming towards her and Aboli. The Snakette was nervous for the muggleborns especially during DADA but let none of that show. Hi, Fiona, came her mental greeting. Hi, Mamie who was close by. Hi, Heath who was way off, and Claudine knew why. Anyway. Soon they were off to a start. The most obvious answer, the Imperius Curse, was already provided. Oh dear Merlin. No. Immediately her anxiety flared up, and she felt her breath cut for a bit. [i]Surely that wouldn’t be the bit of magic they were going to be focusing on today? She forced herself to repeat that she didn’t know this and that things should be taken one step at a time and not jump to conclusions.
Claudine took a moment to sort through some thoughts swirling through her mind in order to put an answer together. Her hands were clenched so that fingernails were digging into her palms. The anxiety was still strong within her. Slowly, a hand went up. “Simple scare tactics by threatening the person themselves by threatening to curse, hex or jinx them. I think that can work just as much as threatening someone that they love or care about, especially if said person is a coward."
Right. "As your classmates have no doubt proven, threats on their own are not a deterrent for foolhardy behaviour." Blaze had seen the others in action often enough, he was sure. The threats had begun pouring in from the very first night. It had had little effect. It was not until he was set to take action that they fell in line. "Threats are effective only when you're prepared to follow through with the action--immediately, if needed." There could be no hesitation, no change of heart. SPOILER!!: Summers Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow Defense Against the Dark Arts had given life to anti-Cece this year. It was a role of sorts, one she’d learned to play in order to survive this class. A class that used to be one of her favorites. And there was no better evidence of that than what she was about to say. ”I agree with Nem.” Yup, she’d said it. ”Bribery is a proven way to get someone to do what you want. Punishment a way to teach them what not to do. Eventually it becomes learned behavior.” A person knew what to do in order to receive a reward, what not to do in order to avoid pain. Anti-Cece knew this was a valid answer. Cece, on the other hand, was leaning towards trust and respect and how if you respected someone and their views, and trusted their guidance, you might go along with them for those reasons alone.
Lucien nodded. "Yes, both work, they work even better together or after you've had a chance to truly study your audience. Take your own classmates for example. Bribes of being allowed to live don't work, only threats of death seem to have any real effect."
Likely not what the girl had in mind but there it was. SPOILER!!: Jones Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Heath considered the question very carefully, mindful of what the consequences for a wrong answer or a non-answer could be. If the question were taken literally, as in what he personally would do to get someone to do what he wanted, the answer was obvious. Act the part. Become what the person wants to see so they’ll decide to cooperate of their own accord. It was what he always did when he wanted something; it was what he was doing now, as a matter of fact.
But thinking as himself wasn’t good enough. If he was going to keep out of trouble, he’d have to think like Rosier… which meant the cruelest, most ruthless answer was most likely the correct one. His thoughts immediately went to the Imperius Curse, but that had been said a number of times so he gave the next meanest answer he could think of. “Hex them,” he said after raising his hand. “Use something debilitating or disfiguring enough to cause pain and humiliation, but not to the point that it would stop them from doing what you want. Then refuse to put it right unless they cooperate.”
Heath was shocked and disgusted by his answer. Where did that come from?! Was he a better actor than he thought, or was he so used to the part he had to play that he was starting to lose his own personality? "I suppose." Lucien mused. "Humiliation and disfigurement have their place. This again depends on who you're trying to persuade. An auror is likely to stick to their resolve." They understood their jobs and secrets were more important than anything that happened to them individually.
A pain, truly. SPOILER!!: Sinclair Quote:
Originally Posted by Fireheart Surprisingly, Avalon wasn't really taken aback by the first question. They had discussed much worse topics in class this term. But still, the answers given by some of her classmates were slightly skeptical. Some of them just seemed a little....too into it. Like Ashley and Nem. Although perhaps they were just magnificent actors. Avalon hoped so.
Two people had already mentioned the Imperius curse. Why not throw another Unforgivable Curse into the mix? Rosier would surely like that, right? She raised her hand. "You could just skip right to the Cruciatus curse. A lot of people won't be able to deal with the pain, so they'll end up caving and doing what you want." It sounded strange coming out of her mouth, so matter-of-fact. But if that was what she had to do to make it through the term, so be it. "While that's true," And had proven QUITE useful around the castle. "It does require some amount of care. Many won't be able to withstand it, but some will try until you've reduced their brain to mush. At that point, they're really no use to you anymore. If you don't manage to get anything out of them before that happens, you've lost." SPOILER!!: James Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Phoebe gave Bernie's hand another squeeze, and then she let it go. No point making a big production of it, and she was still close enough to brush elbows with Bernie, should the occasion call for it. She missed that comfort, though, but set her jaw and prepared for an hour of unpleasantness.
"Sir, I think you have to hit people hard and early in a show of power. You can't politely wait on people to do what you want them to do, but you can show that obedience is in their best interest. Of course, that means that you have to continue to hold people to the standard you've set and use force when they stray, or people will forget that lesson." Was it something she believed? Only in so far as it was exactly what Rosier was doing to them. "I must say James, I'm pleasantly surprised. That's an excellent response that shows you've given it proper thought. It's near on par with Upstead, if not so." Huh. Perhaps there was still hope for this one after all.
It might have taken breaking her teeth out but listen to how sensible the girl sounded now. It was a lovely turn around.
They really were improving in the ways that mattered. None chose to remain defiantly silent, even if their answers were.....like Kinsay James's. Merlin, there was just no helping some of them, was there? "You're thinking. Good. You'll need to keep doing that while we begin a small exercise of sorts." With a flick of his wand, eight tables appeared. They were about waist high and had little models of walls in an enclosed space that could easily be mistaken for a maze. It was not, but the similarities were there.
On a ninth table sat a cage full or rats. They were easy enough to acquire from the dungeons and had been stunned to avoid fighting while in such a cramped space. Next to the cage sat an entire plate of cheese cubes. "Get into groups, no more than four per group. Choose a table then come collect a rat." He would un-stun them before handing them over to whoever came to collect. "Take a block of cheese. Your job will be to place this cheese in the box maze, then by any means you can come up with, keep the rat away from the cheese. There's a little extra ingredient in the cheese that...may not sit well with the rat. If you don't wanna see it croak, I'd suggest you try everything you can to keep it away."
Just saying. "Let's go." OOC: Time for the mini activity! Get into groups of any number so long as it doesn't exceed four. Pick a box maze, a rat and a block of cheese then try to keep the rat as far away from the cheese as possible. Just pretend the rat you get is already un-stunned I'll be back with the second question in approx. 72 hrs. |