Thread: Music Classroom
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Old 02-13-2021, 09:59 AM   #18 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
With Christmas holidays right there within reach, only a few days away now, Lia couldn't help but want to go home. Even with the presence of her siblings and cousins here at Hogwarts as well... it still wasn't the same. She wanted to be at home decorating the entire house and making a mess in the kitchen with her family while they baked holiday treats. The laughter and shouts of everyone gathering together while music played and food was eaten, gifts being given to one another. It was what the holidays were meant to be like... not being stuck here when she didn't want to be.

What was a young girl or eleven supposed to do to get out all of the angry, fear, frustration and sadness that had been pushed aside for months?

Make as much noise as possible. That's what. Dahlia shut the door to the Music room behind her. Thanks to her older sister, she already knew this spot was completely soundproof. Crossing the room with a purpose, she dropped her bag down near the drum set and took a seat. Picking up the drumsticks, she gave them a twirl between her fingers.

What came next... well it was obviously a whole lot of noise. The goal here wasn't to play her very best, nope, it was to make noise. To get rid of all the feelings inside herself until there was nothing but calmness.
Ilya didn't have as much of a sentimental attachment to Christmas. As he continuously mentioned to peers and the very very few friends he had, they didn't celebrate Christmas at the Belrose household. They used it to have a feast and everyone to gather around (although they were only 3 people in that household) but nothing more, nothing less. This explained why he wasn't upset about not going back home for the holidays. Ever. He always spent it in Hogwarts.

The music classroom was a nice location for him to take a book and enjoy reading while someone or a group of people played an instrument. He enjoyed having background noise while focused on something. However, the noise that was coming from inside the classroom today was... different. It was just noise. Chaotic, angry and... just unpleasant. Ilya walked into the room with a frown on his face, his index finger holding the page as a bookmark as he raised his hands to cover his ears.

A youngster was at the drumset. "HELLO?" he yelled over the noise, trying to get the girl's attention. "EXCUSE ME." She should definitely stop before he used his wand to take her drumsticks.
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