gahhh lol A Poop * k8 * Ashley Fox was.........actually kinda' endearing. When she wasn't being completely stupid and reckless, that is. Aboli found herself smiling despite her judgments about the young Ravenclaw. "Can't wait to see the end result, all right?" she chuuuuuckled and turned to Quinn. With a few mutterings and waves of her wand, his card was finished. TOP SPEED. EXCELLENT MAGIC. MUCH SKILL. Aboli was too proud of herself sometimes
"Ummmm yes. I just don't remember the charm off the top of her head. It may come to me soon, though. BUUUUUT.....there's something nice about knitting by hand, I suppose," and yes, she chose to use the word 'by hand' rather than 'the muggle way.' In case there were any ears listening. "I'll let ya' know if I recall it, yeah?" She winked and passed the finished pop-up card over to him. The turnout was getting even larger, and that was SUPER NICE. Had a professor even shown up?! Wow!
Professor Varma looked amazing! Aboli was a little *HEART EYES* at the outfit. "Your kameez is so pretty, Professor!" she beamed. "My grandparents are Indian," she explained quickly. Thus, her name being Aboli. She didn't want to seem like a show-off smarty pants or anything even if she really was both of those things. She shouldn't take credit where it wasn't due? Or, at least, that was what she thought currently. She changed her mind depending on the situation. She didn't want any hot cocoa, but she appreciated the effort! How sweeeeeet! Ivy, some bloke, and Lillith all arrived at once, and Aboli sent them waves. "Ivy, if you want to set up shop at one of the tables, go right ahead!" she beamed some more, her face actually hurting from the amount she was doing right now. It was more than she had smiled in months. Even her time with Noah weren't really smiley occasions lately. They mostly discussed their fears............
Which was a fun killer, for sure.
"Thanks for the baked goodies, Lillith," she shot an appreciative thumbs up at her. "I'll be taking some for friends, of course." It looked good, and she was certain any baked good right now would be a much needed pick-me-up for these DARK AND SOULLESS TIMES.
But the BLOKE'S CAT suddenly jumped on a table and Aboli EYED the cat. "If your creature ruins anything, I swear, I will hex it AND you," she spat out without thinking. On second thought, she probably wouldn't hex a cat. Maybe just the bloke. "I'm not even sure I remember your name," she said snootily as she suddenly began to make ANOTHER card, this time with red and white paper. There were some candy cane vibes going on. Once she was done, she handed it over to the cat-owner bloke. "Merry Christmas. Now make sure your cat is behaved." Dahlia's bracelets caught her eye. "Can I request some in Slytherin colors?" she asked curiously. Royse and Fiona were good candidates for those. Friendship bracelets, almost.]
And of course Claudine would get some requests soon. The girl seemed to have her own fair share of talent!
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |