So sorry for the delay! *Wraps this up* Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll Norman was so done, D-O-N-E done with this. No, scratch that. He was done with this about five minutes ago. Somebody please tell him this wasn’t the way all teenage girls acted! If he ever found out his daughter behaved this way, she would be grounded for life! With both girls still arguing, this situation was quickly devolving into chaos, but at least Cambridge finally stopped trying to reach around him. His blue-green eyes met the Gryffindor’s, studying her face. Did she not understand the dangers of dragging Rosier into this? He gave her the benefit of the doubt until he heard those last couple of sentences. That summed up exactly what was wrong with Rosier’s ideology! Not only did it breed division and terrorize innocent people, but it added to some of these kids’ already overblown sense of entitlement!
Norman blinked, unsure how to react as he heard Fox’s sobs. He wished there was something he could do, but crying children was a new territory for him. And even if he did know how to comfort her, he couldn’t. If word got back to Rosier that he’d shown sympathy to a muggleborn, it would put both of them in danger. He was relieved that she pulled herself together on her own, but the feeling didn’t last. Why did she have to say that? Now there was no way he could turn a blind eye to those anti-wizard sentiments! ”ENOUGH!” He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, as he turned to Fox. “Ten points from Ravenclaw, Fox. Keep your anti-wizard sentiments to yourself.” Please! If the wrong person heard that, there was little he could do to protect her, and he didn’t want her (or anyone else) to die! “Now, the fact remains that both of you are guilty of fighting,” he said, his eyes darting from one girl to the other, “and not just any fighting. Fighting the muggle way.” He threw that last bit in there, just so it would be known that he complied with Rosier’s nonsense. “So you’ll both be serving detention. End. Of. Discussion. Any further attempt at arguing with me or with each other will lose one house point per word, so I suggest you go your separate ways.”
He would remain here watching until they did just that.
__________________ Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true... |