mentions in PINK A Poop * k8 *
It didn't take long for some students to start trickling in, and Aboli had to admit she was a little relieved people were actually here. She had thought if she just made ONE PERSON'S Christmas a little better, then things would be all right. However, there was MORE than one person, so all was well in the world! Ashley was the first to arrive, and Aboli had to hide her look of amusement as the girl just prattled on...and on...and on........and then, on. Merlin's pants, when she wasn't being faced with the ridiculousness of the Neo Alliance, the girl was an absolutely chatter-box. "Ashley, thank you. You can set up your stuff next to me on this table or choose one of the other tables for yourself and anyone else who wants to do art stuff!" She smiled and gave a thumbs up at her sketches. "Oh, nice. I wish I had that skill. However.......I don't. I just make these guys - " and she held up a card. It seemed Claudine wanted in on the art stuff too. "Thanks, Claudine. Sure. You two can go get your own table -" she nodded at the one next to hers. "And then we can all start working! We're the little Christmas elves this year, aren't we?!" she nodded and chuckled to herself.
Awww, little Quinn. Aboli sent him a wave with her gloved hand. "Heya, Quinn. Actually, knitting might be easier for you. We don't really...have ALL the access to the kitchens to be promising people baked goods and stuff. " Which made her wonder just how the Alliance felt about the house elves. Did they like the elves because they had magic? Or did their prejudices extend further? "That's a pretty cool thing to know how to do. How did you learn?" she patted the spot next to her at her own table so he could display any of his knitting stuff he needed to display.
MORE OF THOSE LITTLE RAVENCLAWS. Eden, now, too. "Oh! Lovely, Eden. I'm sure a LOT of people will want friendship bracelets." She did not glance at Quinn even though she SUPER wanted to. Had he spoken to her yet, she wondered. She was trying not to be obvious though! "Those are sooOOooo cute, Eden. SO cute. I'll probably even take some." She'd put in her order by the end of the day, surely!
At Minjae and Delaney's arrival, though, she thought she should make something clear. Those two had come just to procure gifts! Aboli cleared her throat. "AHEM!" she started, "I just want to make it clear that NO form of payment should be transactioned here!" She made up the word transactioned. People could get over it. "This is all for fun and for free since we can't get mail! So unless you want me to kick ya' out, do NOT force people to pay you!"
Aaaaand Minjae got a wink. "Thanks. I will forever be a prefect, thank you."
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |