The most belated reply ever just so there's a response for posterity ;_; lives in a hobbit hole || Ern and Touz's Nuzzle || roflysst || looking at a seed packet
The look on his face was an unusual one, given the circumstances. Constant contact and he hadn't noticed anything wrong? That didn't make a lick of sense. The assurances did nothing to assure her whatsoever, usually she trusted Charles to take her seriously and not patronize her. Talia looked down at their hands, his careworn gentle one, and her own, small underneath his thumb. A chill spread up her spine as he spoke again and Talia slowly looked up to study his face. He had seemed himself until this moment. It wasn't like with Kai where it was obviously NOT Kai. This was something else. The greater good.
Thinking of her children, Talia made a split second decision and put her acting skills to work, offering him a dazzlingly warm smile to cover her alarm. "I trust you." She could say that with conviction because it used to be true. "You're right of course! Silly me. I'm just being silly. You'll forget all about this, won't you? Me being silly. Please keep this between us, its just so embarrassing!" She carefully pulled her hands free and fanned herself, then gave his old hands a few gentle pats. "Actually Charles, I'm suddenly feeling a little unwell. Women's troubles, you know. Maybe I should go home and lay down. I'm sure I'll be thinking clearer after a wee rest."
__________________ love is like a letter wrote :: and life is like an envelope
be careful who you give it to :: they might not give it back to you |