For Felix!! Constant Vigilance! O_O AWAKE! Gabriel needed to stop telling his sister when he was going out, because he mentioned he would be going to Diagon Alley this week, and she had produced a list of the most random items for him to pick up while he was out, "if it was convenient." No, sister--not convenient to do your errands on a Saturday afternoon. Yet here he was with a list (a list!) that meant he couldn't just browse and wander and allow the errands to take him wherever they would.
Now what did she want from Wiseacre’s? He consulted the list as he stepped inside. Something….something… ah, there, she wanted an abacus and an everlasting candle? That was a weird combination, even for his sister. Still, he headed for the aisle with the candles.
He had needed something from here, too. If he could just remember what it was... |