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Kinsay didn't find this to be surprising. Was there anything that Quinn did know? Kiz squinted at him.
A squint that persisted through all his rambling. Until. Oh wait. Was he ... scared? The thought had only JUST occurred to Kinsay James and her whole face went all soft as a result. Kizzy felt scared sometimes. More than she wanted to admit because Gryffindors weren't supposed to get scared and yet here she was. Cried on the first day back this year. Almost cried in multiple DADA lessons. Cried during a Jarvey's funeral. Bravery wasn't something Kinsay felt a lot of these days, so she could relate to the feeling.
It actually made her feel a little guilty for having been all sorts of judgey before (even though her judgments hadn't been shared out loud). She didn't want Quinn feel embarrassed.
So when she spoke again, she spoke even softer than usual. "It's just a slug." She assured him with an easy nod. "It won't bite you. Promise." She even held up her gooey pinky. Pinky promises are sacred. If you break the promise you have to break your finger, did he know? And she'd never be willing to break her own pinky, so she was extremely confident that the slug wouldn't be biting him. See? Nothing to be 'fraid of. That's what this was, right?
Quinn was, in fact,
not scared of touching the slug, he just thought it would be really,
really gross. What he
was scared of was upsetting Kinsay—he thought she might be the type to hold a grudge, which could go over badly. And he could tell from the shift in Kinsay's tone that she was trying to console him, which made the situation ten times
worse. If Quinn still said no then she would probably get sad, but if he said
I'm not scared, I just think that touching the slug will be gross and would make me want to throw up, she would get offended. And it would sting even worse because she's being
genuinely nice. And then she wouldn't like him, and she would tell her friends, and those friends would tell their friends, until ultimately the whole school would hate him because he said he thought slugs were gross.
He was stuck.
Quinn eyed her pinky. Her icky, gooey pinky. And he knew what he had to do. For the future of his social peace... he needed to touch the slug.
Quinn did his best to seem like he was relaxing into the idea when he was very much
not relaxed, he wanted to die. He gave a wary smile and took her pinky with his own, feeling the slime get squished on his finger. He grimaced.
"O-okay... I trust you...