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Join Date: Dec 2010 Location: #6e5f57 |#ff5470
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Alfie Adair Hufflepuff Fourth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Laini Gracae-Ryans Slytherin Third Year x10 x1
| doesn't proofread tweets | #wrongaboutcereal | #siriusly? | emo to the extremo SPOILER!!: Aboli Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz The voices! Aboli felt her heart RACE as if this were a real thing. She quickly pressed her wand to the top of her head and disillusioned herself so she would appear invisible, hopefully....
Looking around quickly, she made her way to the corner of the room to hide in plain sight, so to speak, trying to think of another way to sabotage this man's day. What if he didn't drink the coffee? She needed another way to cause discomfort, harm, or DEATH. Uh uh uh uh UH.
She grabbed the tin of tacs from the desk and threw them across the floor and across the seat of the cushioned chair. THERE. The conversation begins to dwindle until it comes to an end. Was the doorknob jiggling? Or were you just seeing things? Best hurry up.
SPOILER!!: Ashley Quote:
Originally Posted by astrocat It was getting hot in here. Ash was starting to sweat. She unbuttoned the top of her collar. It was SO hot. It occurred to her that she didn't want to die. She shot a powerful jet of water on the flames nearest to her, leaving the door burning. HA. This way, there would be fire damage AND water damage. She shot some water to the ceiling too, just because that wasn't where water should be. Fortunately your aguamenti keeps you from burning with the flames.
As you busy yourself with watering the ceiling, you hear something coming from outside. Perhaps it is an unfamiliar noise, or maybe you recognize the sputter of a fire extinguisher. Either way, the door won't be standing there for very long.
SPOILER!!: Claudine Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19
Claudine felt oddly satisfied by her success thus far. Time to move - uh oh. The door! She spun around to look at it, raising her wand in the process. “Alohomora.’’ Hopefully that was enough to keep the Muggles out. They were Muggles, right?
Now, her attention was diverted to the desk. “Bombarda, Bombarda.” Twice she made the triangular wand movement to correspond with each incantation. There was nothing like an Exploding Charm to cause a little mayhem to the contents on the desk. Then the fifth year pulled open the draws. “Diffindo.’’ Draws that contained papers had that Charm cast upon the contents.
Oddly enough, the girl was enjoying herself. Alohomora? Was that the spell you meant to use? Because it did nothing but unlock the door, making it easier for the person on the other end to step inside. "What the--"
They take one look at you before grabbing the coffee pot. "What are you doing to my office!?"
SPOILER!!: Cece Quote:
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow And she was in an office.
Cece didn't ever want to work in an office, did Schmoe know? It was too stuffy, too boring, too clean. It offered up a lot of ways to sabotage, starting with chair. One couldn't very well sit at their desk and do paperwork without one, so she could mess with that first. "Diffindo." She sliced into the beautiful leather, leaving a large gash across the seat. She immediately felt bad. Like, it was probably a really expensive chair. "Diffindo." Another large slit, this time diagonally across the back of it. By the time she was done, the small layer of stuffing beneath the leather upholstery was poking out all over the place. Almost like a lion had used the thing as a scratching post or something. Not a pretty sight.
And then...then she turned her attention to the mini-fridge. The whole goal was to keep things cold, right? Well, that gave her an idea. Pointing her wand at the machine, she tried not to feel too bad as she uttered a, "Glacius." [/color][/font] As you make quick work of freezing the fridge, you hear voices coming from the outside of the door. What are they talking about?
Do you stop to listen or do you carry on with your work?
SPOILER!!: Mamie Quote:
Originally Posted by Waddles If this had been any class but Muggle Studies, Mamie would have been very proud of her spellwork. She was three for three on attempts and successes, much better than her usual track record. She supposed it might have to do with using spells she already knew, instead of something new.
She spun around to face the door, hair wild and wand at the ready. Footsteps? Someone was coming? She looked around the kitchen, for anything else to destroy.
The refrigerator?
She'd made the boiling kettle cold, so maybe...she could make the contents of the fridge and freezer hot. Did she know a spell for that? She thought she remembered how to do a heating charm. She took the few steps to reach it, then flung the refrigerator doors open. Brrr, that was a well functioning cold box. Not for much longer, though. "Calefacio!" she cast the heating charm on the contents of the refrigerator. Spoiled food could be dangerous, if the Muggles chose to eat it...she did not think there would be much harm in melted ice cream, though. Only sadness. The footsteps grow louder and louder. Is someone coming or was that your imagination?
Your spells seemed to work though! So that's nice.
SPOILER!!: Bernie Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl OH NO! THEY WERE COMING! THEY WERE EATING German foods AND THEY WERE COMING!!!! The door knob was JIGGLING!
Bernie was in a panic, making a right mess of the room. What should she do? START A FIRE? Turn... turn the door knob on fire? Yes, that was it! Maybe if the Muggles touched the door knob and felt that it was warm, they wouldn't come in here and get hurt. That might mean falling the assignment but Bernie was extremely emotionally invested in this office scene at this point, and felt very underprepared for any sort of confrontation with these darling workers, so....
She hurried to the door and kneeled down by the knob, casting the hot air charm on the handle. It was taking FOREVER to get warm. Maybe she should just make a real fire, huh?
She got up and hurried back to the desk, grabbing the trash can beside it. "Incendio!" Bernie cast, watching a small but intentional fire start up. She ran with the trash can back to the door yikes, she ran with fire and set it right under the knob. Maybe some thick smoke would roll off it too, go under the door, and would REALLY warn the Muggles to stay! Away!!! IT WAS NOT SAFE HERE!!! Fortunately, you moved quickly and the doorknob had heated up a significant amount so that the person on the other side let out a loud YELP!
Carry on, your work here is not quite done.
SPOILER!!: Phoebe Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Phoebe tilted her head at the sound of footsteps on the floor above. THE MUGGLES AWAKE! So that gave her a limited amount of time to finish boobytrapping the kitchen, and she needed to make her last few minutes matter. This was a game of attrition, of exhaustion and fear. You didn't just make the whole place explode in one big fireball. You made everything go WRONG, step by step by step.
Phoebe turned her attention to the sink and window above, sending freezing charms at the pipes bringing in water, and then the glass of the window. The pipes would be fun - maybe just no water, maybe they'd burst. Who knew? The window... the cold should make the glass susceptible to breaking easily... but again, who knew?
What else? Something quick. Something... oh! Snipping charms to all the exposed wires on the machines on the counter. Not all the way through, but enough to give someone a solid JOLT before giving up completely. Was she out of time? The footsteps seem to grow more frantic, but before you see the person you hear a voice. "Daddy? Daddy? Is that you?"
SPOILER!!: Devin Quote:
Originally Posted by griffin Oh no, they would have to actually sabotage things now? It wouldn’t be real though, right? Devin was not at all prepared to do any sabotaging, but it was too late. He had found himself in what appeared to be a little girl’s bedroom. Looking around, he took in the scene that he had to work with. His heart nearly stopped as he noticed all the stuffed animals. ”Natalie.” It reminded him far too much of his little sister Natalie and her attachment to that teddy bear of hers, Waffles. There was no way he could destroy it. He wanted to go home to Mum, Dad, Nicole, Natalie, and Deanna. All thought of the class activity had been forgotten; Devin was stuck in his own daydream within the daydream. He imagined sitting with his whole family around the table, eating a home cooked meal while smiling and laughing together. Dad was telling him all about the cool dragons that he worked with, and the twins were showing off some art project they had done. Any outside observers may have noticed a tear or two roll down Devin’s cheek as he thought about being home with his family. Hmmm..... Are you really going to stand there and cry?
Can you hear the distant chatter over the sound of your own whimpers?
SPOILER!!: Ivy Quote:
Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl Okay, final activity of this lesson...and they were going to be in an imaginary Muggle room that they had to sabotage. Made sense with the rest of the lesson.
Ivy drew her wand to get ready, since he'd said they could use magic, and waited for the scene to begin.
It wasn't long until the environment unfolded before her eyes. Princess sheets, toys, a lullaby... This was a child's room. A place that was supposed to be safe and comfortable for them. And she had to destroy it.
Really, it shouldn't have surprised her or unsettled her the way that it did. She should've been used to it. And yet...
It was just imaginary though. It wasn't real. That was what she had to keep reminding herself of.
She moved around the room, looking over everything, trying to shake off the discomfort she felt. What to mess with first?
The stuffed animals? Yeah. "Diffindo," she said, aiming her wand at each one, slicing off the cute little plushies' arms, legs, ears, head, whatever could be ripped or torn off. The stuffing inside of them was now exposed, and the mountain of stuffed animals looked...really sad now. Ugh. As stuffing spills over the bed, you hear footsteps from below. Maybe you even hear the faint voices. "Jimmy, c'mon, I have to show you my new toy!"
SPOILER!!: nemesis (...... im scared of what's happening in here) Quote:
Originally Posted by Felixir Nem was no electrician, having had no interest in the way muggle items and technology worked, so rewiring the lamp to overheat the bulb and not simply stop working was not a simple feat. It ended up being partly based on what they knew of electricity and wiring from the textbook, part general deduction, and a couple of useful spells specifically designed for nefarious purposes such as sabotage. They had moved on to the switch - more complicated, as they wanted to to blow up and maybe take a few fingers upon being turned on - by the time the attention of the class was called for the next activity.
After using a few moments to seal the lamp back up, good as new, and then add another little spell to the entire thing to make the metal behave more like wood, as planned, they set it aside.
Within minutes, they had entered a simulation. Daydream Charm? Without agreeing to enter it, just putting that out there. For schmoe shame.
So then, an office. For a few moments, Nem stood looking around, getting an idea for the place. A lot of paper in here. Wood too. Kindling, in other words. But Nem would get to that in good time. First thing's first, the door. Nem had a good curse for that, a recent acquisition which they were up for putting into practice. "Flagrante." They'd just see if that worked. This was a simulation, so who knew. It wouldn't take a genius to know how to use the doorknob after the initial searing burn, but that first burn was the whole point.
That done, Nem crossed over to the desk chair, and hit the leather seat and back with, "Epoximise," ready for the next person who tried to sit in it.
Something a little more fun now. Nem rooted around in the drawers and located all the different office supplies, and got to work enchanting each of them. Pens, staplers, even paperclips would do the trick, once the ends were straightened out. Just a simple little spell to make them hostile and attack the next person who happened along and opened the desk drawers, into which Nem now dropping all the charmed supplies into. All but the sticky notes. What was that? Voices coming from outside? If you listen closely maybe you pick up on some of their conversation.
Sounds like someone is scheduled for a meeting in this very office.
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