Snitch #2 ~ Mrs. Steve Harrington ~ It be like that sometimes. After Charlotte took possession of the Quaffle, Claudine watched it being passed back and forth among the others. A few times it returned to her and she caught it, though in one instance, she almost dropped it. However, there was a nice save with her catching the ball with just the tips of her fingers and was able to throw it off to someone else.
Then came the shrill, piercing sound of Professor Handsome Face’s whistle and the snitches were off.
Speaking of off… the classmates were too, starting off with a collision. Ouch. A quick survey told her that Quinn was headed for the ball that had gone underwater. Claudine decided to go after the one showing off its loop-the loop skills.
Down, down, down she went, eyes completely focused on the targeted snitch and her hand outstretched. |