Daniiiiii <3 urine trouble | Pat's Strong Confident Other Half | Pees Like a Champion Unicorn Racehorse This wasn't a date. It wasn't.
Even if he did ask Emm to meet him here.
Sammy made his way down to a spot by the lakeshore, only bringing a spare blanket along with him. The walk from the common room to the lake was long - and he was glad because he really needed as much time to think as he could get. His mind was racing with everything he wanted to say to Emm and how he wanted to say it. You know, without hurting her feelings or potentially losing one of his closest friends.
That was most important.
Approaching the spot, the second year placed the blanket down as best as he could before flopping down on it. He could relax, maybe even skip a few stones, but no. Instead, he took this moment to smooth out any of the edges, making it look as good as he possibly could. Again, this wasn't a date, but, from what he could tell, Emmerson Cambridge had standards.
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