Shreya had been passing through the Entrance Hall, heading down one of the marble staircases on her way back to the dungeons, when she heard echoes of someone screaming. Moments later, Emerson Camrbdige skidded into the Great Hall. They're here? Who exactly were they?
Picking up her stride in concern, Shreya hurried down the rest of the stairs, meeting her coworker as she reached the landing. Neva's warning confirmed the worst: Rosier's following had arrived.
She knew it would only be a matter of time before this happened, but the sight of the stone-faced army out the window was concerning nonetheless. Shreya joined Neva in attempting to move Emmerson and Gemma back, away from the doors, just in case the army tried to burst it open somehow. Or otherwise inflict some type of torture. "Professor Peralta is right. Whatever they say, just do it. Don't question them. It'll be okay." She wanted to further comfort the frightened girls, but now was not the time. She knew that any funny business would not be tolerated. And she didn't want anyone getting hurt. |