Open \(•w•)/ The Gay Agenda™< >Homiesexual uwu
Quinn teetered down the corridor, tall stack of books in hand. He was honestly surprised he had been able to make it up here from the library alright, though he did take a couple breaks. Quinn had checked out a plethora of books—potions, healing magic, advanced battle magic, wizarding world history, forbidden magic, defensive charms, jinxes, hexes, the works—that he planned on taking back to his dorm to read over. For private purposes that didn't include trying to prepare in case of a battle with the Alliance at some point during the year. At all.
Quinn peered around the stack of books in his arms, trying to make sure that nothing fell and he didn't run into anything. It was slow going, but it was at least going. Maybe he shouldn't have checked out this many books...