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Old 01-14-2021, 09:04 PM   #8 (permalink)
Inquisitorial Squad
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Two hooded figures stood at the front of the room, one on each side of the professor's desk. For now, the pair silently waited, watching.The one at the far end of the room scribbled something down on a piece of parchment while the one closest to the door tapped a wand (twelve inches, yew and dragon heartstring) against their hand menacingly, as if daring the arriving pawns students to give them a reason to use it.

The wanded one soon found that reason in the form of one insolent little mudblood (astrocat). The way she talked, one might think she didn't want to learn why muggles were "horrible and dumb". Then how about a manners lesson instead? A jet of light shot from the tip of the hooded figure's wand, and the child would soon find her tongue glued to the roof of her mouth. She would learn to hold her tongue one way or another. It was for the greater good.
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