Swedishfish Girl! Madame Librarian! Jess's Soul Sister! Sweetest Swede! The dummies were really animated to act like real muggles which was evidenced by the screams and pleas. The ear piercing scream that was heard from the dummy that Bella's spell had hit caused the hair on her arms to stand up. This was not anyway near okay but this was the activity so what could they do, but blast spells?
Bella regripped her wand as the dummies started to run around the arena. She tried to aim at an adult dummy, but that they kept made it more difficult. Hurrying she aimed at one dummy casting "Bombarda!" with all the firm and confidence a first year could muster up along with the correct wand movement. Bella then cast the spell again with the right wand movement at another dummy since it was expected of her. "Bombarda!" if the spell hit or not time would tell.
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