Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Yes, Muggles more than Muggleborns, though Bernadette wasn't sure she believed these goons knew the difference. She was still stewing on those forms from the feast. Obviously, they'd read them, see? Some kids had been given forehead tattoos because of them. Plus... if they took away her wand, wasn't she just a Muggle then too?
She blinked a few times and turned to frown at Nemesis. "Talk it over with... whom?" Bernie had a feeling Nem was overestimating her right now. Getting younger kids to follow her? Yeah right. She thought she'd given such a stirring speech in the Gryffindor common room about being smart and working together to start the rebellion...and then several of the ickles had lost their mouths the very next day. Even Phoebe had literally been knocked out by these bad guys. So what good could Bernadette do really?
Add in the fact that Nem didn't want to be mentioned; THAT was suspicious. She narrowed her eyes at the Slytherin. "What do you know about these people, Nem? Do you really want to just... get by this year? Don't you think we could be doing MORE to... to... I don't know, infiltrate and destroy them?" Bernie was of the opinion that instead of joining them, or pretending to, it would be smarter to stop the numbskulls before they destroyed the entire magical AND mundane world. "Surely they have to have weaknesses...." Even the so-called Headmaster, that great weirdo, hadn't killed a kid yet. Had he?! He had to have a reason for keeping them alive...
But who knew if it was already too late to stop this crazy train?! Bernie tried hard to not panic, to keep her thoughts short and sweet and rational and also, to herself. She knew they were just a bunch of kids (but kids who outnumbered the bad guys, right?!) and what could kids do, really. But there had to be a way to stop these fools. She couldn't give up hope yet!!! She swallowed a lump in her throat at Nem's last question.
"I did not know that." Oh, Nem. Bernie looked down at the boat, pulling the oars in toward her suddenly. "I should have made you write out your whole family tree, huh? Last year?" She smiled a little to herself. "What are the chances your dad's going to come storm Hogwarts if he doesn't hear from you or siblings soon?" Was it too much to hope for that?
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |