A path is not simply for walking, its purpose lies in moving forward and improving oneself.
Every time Minjae caught sight of the Hooded people (were they even people?!) his fight and flight senses were activated and flight usually won. The Headmaster scared him enough but this group was willingly following his orders which in some way made them far more dangerous in his opinion.
He watched as the hooded figures began to take note and a part of him, his curious side, wanted to know what they were writing down but a little voice in his head told him to not be stupid and stay away.
Minjae looked back at the Professor who continued the lesson. He wondered if he was just as anxious as he was right now.
A cockatrice.... As much as Minjae wanted to see a dangerous creature, he did not want to see this one. He didn't have to put two and two together to know that the Headmaster had probably ordered the professor to use a creature that could kill you by only looking at its eyes. "cockatrice’s gaze will kill you instantly" he said, not even raising his hand and he stopped looking in the direction of the bushes now. "even in a reflection...do we really have to learn about them professor? They're not even in recent fantastic beast and where to find them books"
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