been here all along it's either adhd or wrackspurts <3 <3 lily luna's mom has got it going on
The outdoors? XXXXX? The more dangerous, the better? And a diss to those ominous forms they'd had to fill out at the feast as a cherry on top? Yep, new favorite class. New favorite professor. This was like (and she supposed, literally) a fresh of breath air.
Hybrid creatures? Like...the liger? Didn't they usually die? It must be different in the magical world. She raised her hand to take a guess anyway - might as well earn points now before she inevitably lost them later. "Are they hybrid because their parents are two different species? And are they more dangerous because they're more, scientists haven't studied them as much?" Oh, and an introduction. "And my name is Eden Tilly. Sir."
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