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The small blush went entirely unnoticed by one Kinsay James, who was once again peeking around the Slytherin to see how many more people were stood in front of them. She only stopped looking when he began questioning again. Of course Kizzy thought so, she wouldn't have said it if she didn't. So she nodded to confirm, before adding, "maybe you were a moose in a previous life." Kinsay wasn't sure that people had previous lives, but it was something she had heard before and it would explain the association. Maybe.
Either way, to make the assertion was to believe it in its entirety.
"Who's mamani?" Kizzy's thick brows did their furrowing thing all over again. "And what's a dash kaveer?" As it was, Kiz was now far more interested in knowing these two things than she was in purchasing sweets. Fortunately, standing in the queue meant she'd get both. Hopefully. If Moose answered the questions properly, which he didn't do sometimes.
Moose, in a previous life? All the reincarnation stuff was way above his paygrade and Moose was not getting paid for it at all. He was only 12!! Surely there were child labor laws that were against that? He turned his head to see if the line had moved any. He was facing her direction so it was really up to him to keep the line going forward. So he stepped a few feet forward when he saw there was some space he could take.
"I would like to think I was some super famous person in a previous life. Not some animal. Who or What do you think you were in a previous life?"
If this was a topic they were going to have a conversation on. He wouldn't mind knowing what she thought of herself.
"My Mamani? She's my Grandmother. It's just what we call her, what she wants us to call her." Why that expression again? Why did he always feel like he'd done wrong each time she gave him that furrowed look.
"Dasht-e-Kavir" he repeated.
"It's a desert in Iran. The Great Salt Desert" He paused a moment and furrowed his brow at her.
"You know I'm half Iranian right?"