Originally Posted by
aRogueOne Completely engrossed in a weird old gentleman with a rather large top hat and peculiar sun glasses, Ingrid didn’t notice the girl skipping through the tables. Neither did she notice the butterbeer ice cream dripping down her palms. No, it wasn’t until she appeared out of the blue standing in front of her did the freckly, Scottish girl look around at her with a mixed expression. Between the cave girl hair and the lumps of ice cream splattered all over her, Ingrid didn’t whether to take a step back in disgust or burst out laughing.
Giggling a little, Ingrid plopped another scoop of ice cream into her mouth and nodded, pushing out the chair opposite her with her foot as she bit into another chunk of shortcake. After a moment, she finished her mouthful and grinned wide. “You know, it tastes better if you don’t have to lick it off your palms?”, her smile only slightly teasing as she nodded to the lumps that looked as though they were beginning to dry and OH GOD, THERE WERE EVEN LUMPS IN HER HAIR!
With a little chuckle, Ingrid pulled a few napkins over from the pile she’d collected as she bought her ice cream and slid them over the table towards the girl. “For your hair”.
Beth gave the girl a bright smile and accepted her napkin offer.
"Thanks," she said, setting her ice cream cup on the table and cleaning her hands and her hair off the best she could.
"I know, I guess I didn't notice it was melting all over me. I was kinda lost in a daydream." She said, giggling. She had been imagining walking through the halls of Hogwarts, but she wasn't going to admit that out loud, the girl would think she was weird or something.
The brunette shrugged her bag off, set it on the ground and offered an outstretched hand,
hopefully it wasn't sticky anymore,
"I'm Bethani, by the way. Bethani Monteleone. But I just go by Beth."
She took a seat on the chair the girl had kicked back for her and made an attempt at flattening her hair, rattling off questions to her soon-to-be (possible) friend,
"I'm starting my first year at Hogwarts next term. Are you a student there too? Also, how old are you? I haven't met too many first years yet, or even people my age, really." She continued,
"My family is from Spain, so the only people my age that I know aren't even in the country, it's terribly boring. I hate playing alone." She gasped excitedly,
"Maybe we could be in the same house!!! That is, if you even are a first year. Not that you look super little or anything, you just look like you're my age, so I just thought-"
She looked at the girl expectedly, was she talking too much? Maybe she should've let the girl introduce herself first. She looked down sheepishly as a blush took over her cheeks,
"Sorry, mum says I talk too much when I'm excited."