Originally Posted by
aRogueOne She never thought she’d love anywhere as much as she did her little slice of home back in Scotland but little Ingrid Luck absolutely loved Hogwarts. Maybe not as much as her small room that she shared with her sisters or the magical creatures that she helped look after but there was just something so…exciting about Hogwarts. It defied all logic and yet, here she was, sitting outside Florean Fortescue’s, slowly making her way through a particularly delicious strawberry sundae as her mind wandered back to the castle and the large grounds that surrounded it.
As her spoon plunged into the delicious, pale red ice cream with small chunks of shortcake, her eyes were on the passers-by, some of which she actually recognised from school and all of which she watched carefully, her warm, brown eyes drinking in the detail of each person. Was her summer boring in comparison to her one measly year at Hogwarts? You could say that. Either way, it was clear that this twelve-year-old was ready to throw away the shackles of summer and start her second year.
The tiny girl's excitement was palpable. She was all wild hair and messy robes and sticky globs of Butterbeer ice cream (with toffee pieces,
of course) dripping down her palms as she skipped her way through the tables. It was truly a wonder she hadn't managed to spill ice cream on her shopping bag, but alas, it had been magically extended to hold her new robes and books and everything in between, and she figured she was in enough trouble with her mum as it was. So, yeah. She was trying to be extra careful with that, lest she get in even more trouble right before her FIRST YEAR AT HOGWARTS began.
WOOOHOOOOO. She could SIIIIIING right now just thinking about it.
Okay, okay, she was calm, swear on Merlin.
She spotted a girl who looked around her age sitting at one of the tables and approached her eagerly. Maybe she went to Hogwarts? Maybe she was a first year too? Regardless, this was her chance to make friends. Or...friend, singular. Better than nothing, she supposed.
"Ummmm hiiiii, can I sit with you?" She smiled at the girl. Hopefully she didn't have ice cream on her face. Or in her hair.