12-22-2020, 03:54 AM
The Boathouse Every September first, the first years arrive at Hogwarts via boat, traveling from Hogsmeade station across the Black Lake and into the boathouse. The boathouse has three official entrances: the path outside the courtyard, the hidden stairs going down the cliff from the Great Hall entry, and, of course, the lake tunnel that also runs beneath the castle.
The boathouse stores the boats for the arriving first years and departing seventh years, but with permission from the Groundskeeper, you may be permitted to use one of the boats for an afternoon adventure. Life vests, oars, fishing tools, nets, and everything else you might need are either hanging on hooks on the wall or lying on the splintery wooden bench.
Please put everything back in its proper place, should you move stuff around. It's common courtesy to treat this old structure with respect. |