Thread: Law Enforcement: Conference Room
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Old 12-22-2020, 03:04 AM   #13 (permalink)
Bain Goldwasser
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Posts: 190

"Not only has the graffiti become a problem, it seems that shops have been trashed, items damaged, and a few things missing. Patrols in the Alley needs to be increased and these interviews need to be conducted as soon as possible."

Ah, so everyone was back in their cells were they? He nodded thoughtfully. Good that was good. "I would like a follow up report from your investigation as soon as possible."

He took a deep breath as he addressed the next subject on his to do-list. "Onto the Roller investigation." He wasn't sure who had been in charge of it - he hadn't found a record and considering that Cambridge had been, shall we say 'out of commission' he wasn't surprised. He turned his attention to her for a moment. "Cambridge, I think it best if you leave." He waited a moment for her to take her leave (or not) and then continued.

"I'd like someone to re-interview Ambassador Hilary Pen." His understanding was she had been the last person to enter the courtroom right when the lights had gone out and the timing just seemed very...convenient. Especially when she was supposedly trying to extradite the man. "I understand this may prove difficult. I suggest getting Singh-Phora's cooperation in setting up the interview." He turned his dark gaze onto Ronan Carter. "Carter? Perhaps you would be interested in taking the lead on the investigation?" He looked at the young man knowing he was looking for a chance to prove himself.
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