Originally Posted by
Magical Soul I legitimately thought this was a place where wanna-be artists like myself would go... but then BAM I'm hit with a series of amazing talent
everything I've seen is gorgeous! The sense you need to have to come up with those doodles, wow :3
It definitely started it's life as a thread for me to show my dabblings, and still is, but I sort of hope that the thread now feels like a place where people can watch what I've learned and tried out and come to believe that anyone is capable of learning. If I am... anyone really is. <3<3
Lesson 22: Follow the Leader
So now that I've exhausted all my September prompts, I thought I might share my current project. I've been inspired to try to work on a specific skill set for the month of November, in this case working on landscapes and scenic vignettes. Ultimately, I've always wanted to keep a sketchbook when I travel, and I want to develop the skills to be able to capture what I see.
Anyway, one of the first things I did was look for tutorials on Youtube and Pinterest that I could follow to develop some new skills. Here are two early ones.
tl;dr these are my versions of tutorials, so very much not original concepts.