Bathes in Maple Syrup | Dancing Lobster | Mrs. Charlie Weasley | Seneca's Beard | That's So Fetch The loud sing-song voice was unquestionably loud, only confirming his assumption that the new department head was definitely not going to be like Eliora. The woman's response from the other side of the door was quite different from what he was used to. There seemed like he would have to get used to a lot of new things, which in his mind had plenty of pros but just as many cons. So far, the loudness was very much a con.
Even so, he placed a hand on the doorknob and revealed himself to Llewellyn. A smile, his usual forced one that could easily be believed as genuine, was worn on his face ... and he really had to force himself to keep it there when he took in the sight of the woman's office décor. It was ... well, there really were no words that he could think of to appropriately describe it.
"Good morning, Ms. Llewellyn. Dante Zabini, Senior Obliviator. We have an appointment to discuss my interest in a promotion within the department," the Frenchman greeted her as he stepped forward. He then lifted one of the coffee cups from the carrier and held it out toward her. "For you. Coffee, five sugars, no milk."
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