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BanaBatGirl After much internal debate and months and months of dwelling on this issue, David had decided to seek someone else's help with his conundrum. He wasn't optimistic; what more could an Obliviator do that one of his well-brewed memory potions could not? Still, there was not harm in at least asking for help, right?
Thus he arrived tidily on Level 3, stated his business to the... receptionist, and took a seat on one of the purple-ish pink-ish couches. He folded his hands together, his gaze just landing on one of the magazines to the side of him.
Relationship advice? Hm? Did he need that? It was tempting to pick up.... well, no one had to know if he were reading that exact article. David picked it up and flipped to the self-quiz, just to kill the time until someone could fetch him, of course.
Ilse was on her back from getting a coffee. For some reason she was exceptionally tired today. Coming into the reception area, she saw a man sitting and clearly waiting for someone. Pausing, she looked around and glanced down the hallway to see if anyone was coming for him.
”Umm... hi!” she said, taking a step toward him and giving him a little wave.
”Is there... is there something I can help you with?” She tried to give him a reassuring smile, but she wasn’t sure it was working as she wasn’t really used to helping people who weren’t sitting on the other side of a desk from her.