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Old 11-01-2020, 03:42 PM
Lissy Longbottom Lissy Longbottom is offline
Default HoM Lesson 2 - The Triwizard Tournament

Despite the strange things that were going bump in the night (quite literally) Gabi was determined to make classes as normal as possible. Students needed constant in their lives, and she was going to provide that for them. Teaching was distracting for her as well, so she was able to take her mind off of those golems for just a few hours each day.

On a table in front of Gabi's desk stood a rather large stone goblet. It was about a foot tall, with blue flames flickering in and out of the cup. It was a much smaller replica of its famous cousin, and those who were familiar with it would probably be able to guess the topic of the lesson immediately.

"Come on in everyone, and have a seat. We'll get started soon!" Gabi called out as the door opened and she waited for students to trickle in.

OOC: Welcome to your second HoM lesson of the term! Please be sure to brush up on the SSRPG rules as well as the HoM classroom rules in case your candy comas from yesterday made you forget anything! We will be moving on in roughly 24ish hours! CLASS HAS STARTED, please do NOT post coming in late or face the consequences!
Question 1 - What do you know about the Triwizard Tournament?
Question 2 - Why did we bring the Triwizard Tournament BACK despite Cedric Diggory's death?
Mini Activity! Would you put your name in the Goblet of Fire?
Main activity - Develop your own Triwizard Tournament challenge!