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Old 10-27-2020, 08:48 PM   #12 (permalink)
Formerly: Dances_With_Potter

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Originally Posted by Krel Ansell View Post
Conley sort of just stood there with his wand in his hand watching, because well, this escalated quickly! He watched quietly as a computer was licked by flames. Why did he suddenly feel a little less panic? Perhaps because the odd animal noises and the flashing lights had stopped. It was almost as if, the moment the computer stopped working, Conley’s brain started working again.

He glanced around. It seemed Ilse had their protection in hand. Now what to do about the fire though? Because, well, clearly water didn’t work. He wracked his brain and then after a moment pointed his wand at the computer. A moment later, the flames started to diminish as Conley used an extinguishing spell on the flames.

Fire out, he took a deep breath and then coughed because there was still a bunch of smoke in the room. ”Guess I should contact maintenance,” he said, not looking at Ilse. He pointed his wand towards the door. ”Expecto Patronum.” His wand fizzled at him and poofed out a small wisp of silvery smoke that got lost in the room.
Safe behind her protection charm, she quickly scanned the room. She didn’t know spells for electrical fires. It wasn’t really a THING. She knew they couldn’t put it out with water. Really the only other way to put out a fire was to suffocate it, and Ivy did know a spell to suck all the oxygen out of a room. So now she had to figure out a way to do that without killing them. She would have to seal the door, cast bubble head charms on both of them...

She lifted her wand again to begin casting, but mid-movement Conley sprang into action. It seemed without the noise some sense had come back to him, and he began extinguishing the fire while Ilse watched him curiously wondering what spell he was using. When he was finished, she stood in silence staring at him... and then she just started laughing. Laughing and laughing and laughing. She laughed until there were tears in her eyes. Finally catching her breath, she found the words to speak: ”You look awful.” she said as the humor still danced in her eyes as she surveyed his smoke-coated appearance.
It's the way you're smiling at me. It's in the way you hold my hand.
It's the way I've watched you change me from a boy into a man.

It's a million things about you, and I don't know what it is. I have never known a love like this.
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