Thread: Spirit Room
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Old 10-19-2020, 01:02 AM   #7 (permalink)
Bloody Baron
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Resident Ghost of Slytherin | Hot-Tempered & Not Amused

"Of course they've noticed - they'd have to be completely daft to miss it," the Baron replied with a slight eye roll as Nicholas stated the obvious. If that was all they were here to talk about, he could leave. They all KNEW something was amiss - but what to DO about it was the real problem.

Speaking of problems...

The Baron turned and narrowed his ghostly eyes at the youngster who had so rudely barged into their meeting. "Quite right it isn't. Move along now, child. This is a private meeting," he told him gruffly. Perhaps Nicholas had been right and this HADN'T been the best place to meet.
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