Name: Rafael Lucas Melo
Age/Birthdate: 21 August 2082
Appearance or suggested face claims: His twin brother's faceclaim is Ryan Guzman. They don't have to be identical. He is probably tall, though.
School/House or Occupation: Castelobruxo 2093-2100. Wizarding University Cuquenan Tepqui, 2100-? Unknown major
Family info:
Mother: Juniper Goodwin-Melo, Father: Gabriel Melo (Deceased). Rafael is close with his twin
Gabriel. He also has an older brother and sister Paul (+6 years, working in Rio de Janeiro) and Isabella (+5 years, grad school at WU). The mother is currently puttering about the Amazon doing botany research, Gabriel (the twin) just moved to London to work for the Ministry. Small extended family (only one cousin, lots of aunts/uncles)
Personality Traits: All I have is "he's a fixer" and somewhat cautious
Background Information: Spent most of childhood in Brazil and Peru, with a brief stint in England at around age 6 before the family returned to Brazil. So...he speaks Portuguese, Spanish, and English in varying degrees of fluency. Growing up their mother spoke English at home and their father spoke Portuguese.