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Old 10-18-2020, 11:06 PM   #13 (permalink)
Bain Goldwasser
N O T● S O ● M I S S I N G ● P E R S O N
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Join Date: Oct 2020
Posts: 190

This was a security nightmare.

That was all Bain could think of as he stood off in a corner. His arms were folded across his chest and he was frowning. The frown wasn’t unusual, but perhaps it wasn’t as noticeable behind his mask. If only he could find a way to stay in this spot all night, but he didn’t think that was going to be a possibility. He’s chosen the spot for numerous reasons. It was dark. It was out of the way. From it, he could see most of the Atrium.

It might be a party, but he still had a job to do.
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