Well, this was certainly unusual. Why didn't the Headmaster have a plan for class? And why wasn't he yelling at anyone yet? Violet had mentioned some weird personality changes a few weeks ago while they were in the trophy room, but Avalon never gave it much thought. But now, she thought the Slytherin might be on to something. Trent was definitely acting very out-of-character. Seriously, play with the dummies? That was most non-Trent thing that ever came out of his mouth. Or maybe he just had something important and headmaster-y to finish? Avalon tried to convince herself of the latter, but a part of her wasn't so sure.
The prefect wasn't in the mood for a duel today - nor did she want to receive a detention for inadvertently losing - so she opted to practice Protego Horribilis in the mean time. She'd perfected Protego, but it was always useful to have a stronger defense.