Thread: Beauxbatons: Guidelines & Canon
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Old 10-17-2020, 12:27 AM
emjay emjay is offline
Default Guidelines & Canon

Hello, prospective Beauxbatons RPers! This RPG forum is intended as a supplemental area to the SSRPG Wizarding World and a place to play your Beauxbatons student characters. It won't be as structured as the other RPG forums we have, such as Hogwarts, Ministry of Magic, and Diagon Alley, but is meant to be an extra place to have some fun with your characters, alongside the Ilvermorny forum. We do want you to have plenty of fun though, so please PM any of the St Mungo's mods if you have any questions or suggestions, which are always welcome.

To better help facilitate your role-play, please keep some general guidelines in mind:
  • Even though this is a school in France, please remember to RP ONLY in English as those are our site rules. Unless specified otherwise, please assume that IC characters are speaking in French as that is the language spoken in the school, but OOC you must type everything in English.
  • Plot points and roleplays established in Term 53, when the staff and students of Hogwarts where hosted at Beauxbatons is considered SS canon, including security gargoyles.
How many characters can I play in this forum?
You can play as many characters as you can successfully manage. We suggest starting with one or two.
Who is playing the professors?
All professors, except those established by SS canon in the Wizarding World RPG plots, will be NPC (non-played characters). We'll provide names and short bios so everyone has a similar point of reference.
Do I get housepoints here?
Nope. RPing is just for fun.
Why aren't there any classroom threads?
Because most of the RP in classroom threads is the actual class, we didn't include these types of threads as actual lessons will not be played out here like they are in the Hogwarts RPG. There are some threads here related to different classes though that are sure to be fun to RP in - the Transformative room for practicing spellwork, the Horse Stables for interacting with some of the creatures, and the Artifact Chambre as well as some rooms for some of the arts.
Are there prefects/HBs/HGs at Beauxbatons?
Yes, but we are not filling the prefect/HB/HG positions at this time as they will currently be considered NPCs.
What year do students from Beauxbatons take their exams? Are they similar to OWLs/NEWTs?
As far as we know from canon, Beauxbatons students take an equivalent of the OWLs/NEWTs in their sixth year. It can be assumed they take another set of examinations in their seventh year.
Text Cut: Exam Grading Scale

This grading scale is strictly SS canon and was theorized with the use of O.W.L/N.E.W.T's combined with the French grading scale.

Achievable Grades
18-20 = très bien (TB) [very good]
15-17 = bien (B) [good]
12-14 = assez bien (AB) [satisfactory]
0-11 = insuffisant (I) [fail]

Detailed Scoring

20 = 100%
19 = 95%
18 = 90%
17 = 85%
16 = 80%
15 = 75%
14 = 70%
13 = 65%
12 = 60%
11 = 55%
10 = 50%
9 = 45%
8 = 40%
7 = 35%
6 = 30%
5 = 25%
4 = 20%
3 = 15%
2 = 10%
1 = 5%
0 = 0%

I'm ready to enroll my student, what year is it and how old should they be to enroll?
Students enrolled must be at least 11 years of age before the start of their first-year school term (September 1st) and typically graduate after seven years of study. Less if they're a transfer student. It is okay if the student is older than their peers since some start school late, have to repeat a year, etc. Below is a guideline for you to help with posting the biography. Students with their birth year too young will automatically have it raised up.

Below is the adjusted birthday range per school year and is updated accordingly to the current school year: 2115-2116.
Class of 2122 / First Years
January 1st - August 31st 2104 or September 1st - December 31st 2103
Class of 2121 / Second Years
January 1st - August 31st 2103 or September 1st - December 31st 2102
Class of 2120 / Third Years
January 1st - August 31st 2102 or September 1st - December 31st 2101
Class of 2119 / Fourth Years
January 1st - August 31st 2101 or September 1st - December 31st 2100
Class of 2118 / Fifth Years
January 1st - August 31st 2100 or September 1st - December 31st 2099
Class of 2117 / Sixth Years
January 1st - August 31st 2099 or September 1st - December 31st 2098
Class of 2116 / Seventh Years
January 1st - August 31st 2098 or September 1st - December 31st 2097
I play a student character here but now I want to transfer them to Hogwarts? Is that okay?
Of course, that's okay! While we're saddened to see them go, there's no restricting a student from transferring to Hogwarts in the upcoming term. We ask that you follow the guidelines when it comes to any new student being admitted to Hogwarts. Any special characteristics and abilities established that require permission to be RPed must contact the Wizarding World RPG Admins. A reminder that permission is not a guarantee and disallowance is possible.