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Old 10-14-2020, 05:50 AM   #6 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Bernadette had DEFINITELY spooked Ilya, then. He only got defensive and rude like this when he wasn't doing a very good job of handling his emotions. But at least he was doing better at handling his elf transfiguration abilities? His hair hadn't even changed color this time.

"Thank you," she stated, pausing a moment before giving him her very best, most toothsome and evil grin, "for calling me a hag. I would be FLATTERED to find employment down Knockturn Alley, eating kids for fun, luring them in with caaaaaaaaandy...." she wiggled her fingers at him enticingly. "I could ask you the same thing. What are YOU doing here, you... blue-eyed elf-person?" Hmm, no. She put her hand on her hip. "Actually, no. Sorry. A blue-eyed DEMON."

There. Two could play at this insult game.
Ugh. She's so annoying and funny. Ilya just rolled his eyes up at the ceiling about the hag story she just made up. "You need to work on your luring techniques. You're the worst person to lure someone somewhere." She had no subtleties whatsoever about her. Ilya was actually being sincere in that assessment, thank you very much.

The copycatting was borderline offensive, calling him a demon because he had freakishly unstable face features?? He was growing more sensitive about this every since he turned fourteen. It was weird. "My eyes are not blue today," he countered, his voice full of uncertainty. Were they? They were green before he came down here. Anyway, Ilya turned away from Bernie and moved to where he left his cloak and hand mirror the last time he was here. They were simply perched up on top of what looked like a stony bench.


Where are they, though? He bent down reaching around the bench, "Make yourself useful and look for my mirror, will you? I left it here last time." He wasn't panicking yet, it must've fallen over, or one of the ghosts must've played with it. Could they? "It had small red rubies around the handle." It was his grandmother's and obviously a sentimental object.
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